British christmas kuisissa parliamentary elections in the voting rights is registered in the 3.85 million people and of them about two out of three are under 35 years of age, tell you official statistics. Registered number is about a third higher than in the previous parliamentary elections.

Young voter turnout to increase working with Vote for your Future -group said that the figures are encouraging.

the Policy has recently been visible position and this also encouraged young voters, said Amy Heleytt Vote for your Future -group of AP:s.

the liberal democrats, Jo Byrne, of the Scottish national party SNP Nicola Sturgeon, Welsh independence drive Plaid cymru’s Adam Price, the labour party, Jeremy Corby, as well as the green party’s Sian Berry Channel 4 News election debate.

Total voting rights 12. December elections is about 46 million. Among them, there are hundreds of thousands, who were too young to participate in the 2016 referendum on brexit from.

Three years later, Britain is painful to continue the EU-the difference with her. Now, the country held parliamentary elections nearly two years ahead of schedule. British prime minister Boris Johnson has said he believes that if the conservatives win the election by a majority, will go a long time threshed the EU-erosopimus finally through the country’s parliament and the Uk differs from the union 31. January.

Conservatives are angry with Channel 4 News channel’s decision to replace the election exams between the left prime minister Boris Johnson and Brexit-the party chairman Nigel Farage jääveisto nzt.EPA

the labour party has said that it would like to negotiate a new divorce settlement, after which it would let the voters choose, we go the difference and get this on a contract basis or are we after all part of the EU.

Although the vast majority of opinion polls predicted a landslide victory for the conservatives, young voters, increase in the number of good news for the labour party.

the British election is the elderly are met to vote on young people more actively. For example, in the previous parliamentary elections in 2016, only slightly more than half of under 35-year-old used his voice, when more than 60-year-olds among the corresponding figure was over 70%.

see also :

the Query is predicted that Boris Johnson conservatives to a landslide victory in the elections and as many as 68 seat majority in the land parliament

the British Corby: I’m Staying neutral, if the Uk held a new brexit referendum

Source: AP

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