English filmforbund has asked its members to boycott the NRK as an employer. Sverre Pedersen in the Norwegian filmforbund trying to get the conflict with the NRK to be seen as a disagreement about pay, and “equal pay for equal work”. It is nonsense. The disagreement is far more fundamental, and affects all companies engaged in creative work. This is about who is going to manage the creation of content in Norway. Is it the employer or is it the union?

motion picture association of america have begun to require of their members that they leave all their present and future rights to the so-called “collective management” ruled by Sverre Pedersen and filmforbundets management. As a member, one is thus forced to press the button that means giving up the management of their own rights and thus the right of disposition over their own work. According to Pedersen and the league’s lawyer Bjorn Brem has no members allowed to enter into employment contracts without the federation has approved the employer.

the Manager has sent out information to the film industry: – Boycott NRK

to be approved by the motion picture association of america, one must as an employer and producer to accept that it is Sverre Pedersen and filmforbundets management that determine the use of the work is done or should be done. It’s the lawyer Brem and his ever-growing management to negotiate terms and conditions for the sale and publication with potential buyers. The manufacturer may like to have the responsibility for investments, finansieringer and workers, but not for it being made.

In negotiations with the commercial channels sell the motion picture association of america not only the rights of the copyright holders who have “signed” forvaltningsavtalen. They also sell rights they do not steward, but guarantees at the same time that if there are problems with the rights holders as to motion picture association of america to take care of it.

It is the principle around fagforeningens way to treat rights holders, rights and the management of it that is being made that the NRK as a producer disagree. When Pedersen portrayed as if it only is NRK who believe this, then it is false.

In all the nordic countries takes place, there is a debate on the management of rights, and we get great support from our nordic colleagues with regard to how we look at this principle. Also the Norwegian environment expresses support, and skepticism to the way the motion picture association of america has chosen to proceed in this matter. NRK is a major manufacturing company that both should and can promote these views.

NRK is both producer and publicist. All other tv-channels in Norway operates only as publicists. None of these hires filmarbeidere. I understand that it is for them that publicists, can be a good solution to pay a fixed sum to the motion picture association of america and to secure peace around all use of the program. But the NRK as a producer will not accept the principle that a trade union shall determine the management of ownership. This is a principle that revolves around something other than money.

It is good that the filmarbeidere organise themselves and it is important with good unions. It is also advisable that some can act on the holders behalf, such as the TONO and NORWACO makes. But when the union and the rettighetsforvaltning be mixed together in a soup so the Norwegian filmforbund have evolved in recent years, arises a completely new – and fundamentally different – situation.

NRK has desire to get a good collective agreement with the motion picture association of america. An agreement would be positive both for filmarbeidere, the remote production environment and the NRK. This time we have faced a management who has not been willing to enter into dialogue about solutions, but which have threatened a boycott, confronted by their good contacts with the political leadership, and kept their members in front of him in the aspirations for power.

NRK says no to their plan for a principle in which the union gets to manage the NRK and all of the companies ‘ content. This is the real motivation for filmforbundets call for a boycott.

NRK-top turns back toward the bransjeboikott: – Nonsense