The spring-like weather, with double-digit plus degrees and sunshine keeps a break in the week to come.

this is the message from Frank Nielsen, duty meteorologist at DMI.

– It has indeed been an unusually nice weekend, but forårsfornemmelserne must be packed away for a short while. It becomes unstable the next few days, he explains.

Even on Mondays roughly keeps the style from the weekend, so it strikes pretty quickly. In particular, the western parts of the country will from Tuesday experience a heavier cloud cover and lower temperatures.

– There comes a cold front into of Jutland, denmark on Monday night, and it can give rain. On the whole, we must expect changing weather, says Frank Nielsen.

Photo: Simon Skipper/Ritzau Scanpix

Even a frontsystem coming in across the country on Wednesday, and it can give significant rainfall in most of the country, but particularly in the eastern parts of the country completely to Thursday.

According to Frank Nielsen, it is currently difficult to see which way the wind is blowing, when we are approaching the weekend.

There are two competing high pressure with warm air from the Northwest and cold air from Scandinavia.

– Both provide for themselves relatively stable weather, but we are located just between them. It makes it unpredictable, says the weatherman.

– It is a fight that is going on. It is not with showers, but you can probably expect cloudy weather and lower temperatures under five degrees.

Therefore, it is not stale to the hive, the warmer the jacket forward toward Thursday and Friday – the thermometer are not much above five degrees.

Photo Sharp images from week 7: the Year’s wildest wood

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