The process against the earlier AfD Leader Frauke Petry for perjury begins on the 18. February. As the district court of Dresden announced on Thursday, are up to 13. March seven hearing days provided for. The Bundestag deputies are accused in November of 2015, as a witness before the Committee of the Saxon Landtag wrong to say and to have their information under oath. The former AfD Chief had made a mistake, but at the same time insured, have don’t intentionally wrong.

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suspected perjury Former AfD Chief Petry go to court

In the case of the accusations it comes to information on loans from the state Assembly candidate for the financing of the AfD’s election campaign in front of the Saxon state Parliament election 2014. The Bundestag had lifted in January 2018 Petrys immunity and paving the way for a main hearing. Petry was out of the election, in 2017, the AfD. (dpa)