the Post mess started discussions with the prime minister Antti Rinne (sd.) the position and the government activities ability of the accelerated Monday even more. We compiled this case in brief government crisis in the middle section of the steps.


the government of the quintet held a crisis meeting, which was told the public a rare scarce. For example, the meeting place for the outward and not the chairman, you commented on the content in any way.

until midnight to continue the meeting of the state council office issued a public brief release on the five to discuss the “political situation and prepare for the Tuesday intermediate question”.

Earlier in the day the Slope of the insurance Yle interview that the government’s performance is perfect.


Several pro-government parliamentary factions and party governments gathered to discuss the situation. The center party and the social democrats were forced to end the evening on a collision course.

the Centre will gather to the parliamentary group and the party of government power. Party government and the parliamentary group came to the same conclusion: confidence in the government’s performance has wavered and the air is “person-related distrust”, which was an indirect reference to the Slope.

the Centre does not, however, give a clear answer as to whether to request a restoration of confidence in the prime minister’s resignation. Instead, the president of Katri Kulmuni I hope the SDP “pull conclusions from this situation”.

SDP party government have their own assembly, which at the end stated that the party board has full confidence in the prime minister. The slope criticising the centre’s communication very said, and said he would demand the centre a clear “yes” or ” no ” answer to that, is the centre ready to continue government cooperation the Slope was prime minister. HS:top (move to another service)on Monday evening in an interview with Slope stated that he strives to find the Tuesday morning time Kulmunin and the center of the party secretary to discuss the clarification of the situation.

the Greens did not meet on Monday. The president, the minister of internal affairs Maria Ohisalo said, however, on Twitter that green has been prepared to support the Slope, continuing as prime minister, as long as the parliament shall be informed of all ambiguities and commitment to develop government policies.

Swedish people’s party settled on Monday in the parliamentary group after the meeting to support the Slope. President of Anna-Maja Henriksson, according to the Mail-matter is not treated so well as I should have, but the Swedish people’s party wants to give the prime minister another chance.

Tuesday and Wednesday

the Government is scheduled to respond to the opposition presented by the interim question of the Slope on the functioning of the Post-mess during. The slope has promised to answer the intermediate question yourself. Intermediate question have left the national coalition party, the christian democrats and the now-business. The parliamentary session began at 14.

on Wednesday in parliament a vote on whether the government parliamentary confidence. On Wednesday, also survives, who on Friday resigned board and corporate governance the minister of Sirpa Paatero (sd.) as the successor.

see also:

can you Mail-stir really crash the prime minister? Political scientists estimate how strong the opposition to the requirement of the Slope of the difference is

Yle leaked memo: Sirpa Paatero told the Post tes-the transfer of the prime minister in August – a memorandum understands the Postal solution

Analysis: the slope of the government’s confidence at stake – the opposition trying to overthrow the government

Professor rust czar: The slope is hardly the prime minister again tomorrow.

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