the Coalition party’s parliamentary group to leave today a written question to the foreign minister of Pekka Haavisto (gr.) activities.

the national Coalition party, inter alia, asks whether the government issued a foreign ministry mandate, where necessary, to implement the al-Hol camp in Syria the Finnish evacuation adults including, without limitation, the state council for separate consideration.

the Coalition also asks whether the government in fact issued a mandate or do you line the evacuation of the matter and where the configuration decision is made.

the Question we want to study also the policies of the government on family reunification after the camp the children have been brought to Finland. As well ask, how and where, possibly, crimes committed by Isis at camp have been the mother should be brought to justice.

the Coalition party in a written question is also addressed in the Day-said the last few days of news coverage, according to which the foreign minister was trying to put pressure on the foreign ministry officials or the tune of this responsibility from the al-Hol operation.

– Whether the foreign minister issued an official thing in the instructions that it did not want to follow, where officials talk of ”climate of fear” at the foreign ministry based on and what are you going to do to remedy the situation? question says.

Haavisto is disputed as well as the pressure of the allegations, according to which the ministry had prepared a plan for children to bring back to the camp alone without their mothers.

Read more:

the Parliamentary foreign affairs committee voted in majority to support the foreign minister haavisto to the al-Hol camp, in matters of

HS: President Niinistö told me he was aware of the foreign ministry, the official acts of

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