The calendar accelerates to the opening of the medically assisted procreation (map) for all women. While the leaders of the majority had ensured that the draft law on bioethics could not be adopted as planned before the summer, the decree of convocation of the extraordinary session published on Tuesday June 16 in the Journal officiel provides for a second reading at the Assembly as early as July.

read also : LDCS and for all: controversies on the report of the text

at the End of may, Gilles ‘ Son-in-law had deemed it “impossible” to adopt the text “before the summer” because of the consequences of the crisis of the sars coronavirus. “We no longer have a lot of time and we have important texts highly related to the economic situation of emergency, and, moreover, the chambers, Senate Assembly, working with a reduced roster to comply with the health rules”, explained the boss of the group LREM, hoping for an adoption “by the end of the quinquennium”.

This new calendar had caused a stir among the supporters of the opening of the LDCS to all, including within the macronie. Obliging the minister of Health Olivier Véran to respond : “The law of bioethics has numerous, beautiful, and real advances for society. The parliamentary debate is completed, and if the priority given to the health crisis makes it difficult for its adoption before the summer but, alas, it will be available in the next few months !”, had he tried to reassure.

In January, thousands of people had marched against the LDCS ‘

The extension of the LDCS to single women and couples of women, campaign promise of Emmanuel Macron, is finally on the agenda of the next month, in spite of the turmoil related to the crisis of the sars coronavirus. In addition to this flagship measure, the bill includes a reform of filiation, modification of the access to origins for persons born through a sperm donation, or even the self-conservation of oocytes.

The text has already been adopted in the first reading at the Assembly meeting in October 2019 before it can be adopted but amended by the Senate in February 2020. In January, when the text reached the upper house, tens of thousands of opponents had marched in the streets of Paris at the initiative of the collective “Walk for Children”, which brings together 22 associations, such as the Manif for all.

other projects of law have been inscribed on the agenda of the special session, including the place accurate is not yet known. Among these, the text organizing to end the state of emergency health or even the third draft of the amended finance law

The editorial team conseillePMA: mps ask for “completing” the law of bioethics “as of September”Change surprise of the act of bioéthique79 commentairesidf fouinele 16/06/2020 at 10:13 am

believe that the country is doing better. The emergency in France, it is the LDCS. We have a “President” who thinks only of his re-election. It is true that he commends the management of the health crisis, and economic.

marko_179le 16/06/2020 10:17

A bill is not a priority to be put by the wayside.

Lucien defrancele 16/06/2020 10:04

So Macron has lied Sunday, our rulers can come back very quickly to the demolition of our history and our values.

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