the Consumer confidence in Finland’s economy crumbles, the listed company’s performance is deteriorating and banks are restructuring their activities in agony. Taantumakin is lurking around the corner.

But where else is there to worry about? Economic survey research on the basis of at least the house prices.

research manager Juho Rahkonen keep people’s concerns understandable.Jari Kovalainen / Yle

the ownership of the apartment owners namely more and more afraid their housing values fall clearly in the near future. Apartment price for the calculation of the believers is now more than the price of a surge in believers.

economic research of Yle’s study, all Finnish ownership of the apartment owners, almost one in four, or about 23% are afraid their housing values lower. Pension age the proportion is even more than 35%.

– the Fear of falling prices is understandable. The crowd is aging, the birth rate lowers and people move to big cities. The worries of housing price developments seem to keep growing surprisingly fast, economic research, head of research Juho Rahkonen said.

housing finance specialist hypo’s chief economist Juhana Brotherus agrees with the study result interpretation.

– the Phenomenon of touch in one way or another every Finnish. Two factors explain the development, namely urbanization, combined with an ageing and decreasing population, Brotherus figure out.

hypo of Juhana Brotherus, according to the housing price decline to touch a big part of finns.Markku Rantala / YleAsuntomarkkinat divided

the Rural little place no less than every third ownership of the apartment owners afraid their housing values decline. The metropolitan area this was afraid of only 14%.

head of Research Rahkonen, according to the results of the study reflect also the housing market exponential distribution. In his opinion, the front is a major social issue.

If you buy or build you a house smaller localities, for example, over the last decade the rise of the end of the season, the apartment can be, at worst, owe more than its selling price would be on this day, Rahkonen consider.

City called

the Uncertain expectations of the living environment of the future fueled by area deprivation. The people involved lose their jobs and services. It lowers even further the value of the apartments.

– it May be that this divide will only accelerate. Some of the places of misery, and the housing price decline is like a vicious circle and a self reinforcing negative spiral, Rahkonen said.

the chief Economist Juhana Brotherus keep on the other hand, one concern that rural areas people remain kind of stuck in house prices. Jobs and services are pulling, especially the youth towards the growth centers, which have more opportunities than remote areas.

One problem is that young people are not able to move to follow work in the growth centres. It suffer from Finland’s economic growth and employment. It is a social problem, Brotherus said.

deserted house pudasjärvi in. The people involved lose their jobs and services. It lowers even further the value of the apartments.Ismo Pekkarinen / aop this research was made

the Housing price development issues were included in the economic survey October visit to the interview round.

the survey asked: are you worried about your mortgage the value of your developments in the near future? The study interviewed 1005:in person in three weeks during late September and early October. The survey was done in different parts of Finland as personal visit interviews as respondents with face-to-face.

the Sample was formed randomly door-to-door method, and the group of respondents represent statistically the Finnish adult population (15 years and over). The margin of error is about 3 percentage points in either direction.

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