Australia recognizes West Jerusalem as a future capital of Israel. To said justification of the Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, that there is the seat of the Knesset and many government institutions. The Australian Embassy will remain in Tel Aviv until there is a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians.

Morrison reiterated the commitment of his country to a two-state solution. His government was determined “that the aspirations of the Palestinian people to a future state with its capital in East Jerusalem, to recognise,” added the Prime Minister.

The final Status of Jerusalem is one of the biggest points of contention in the middle East conflict. Both Israel and the Palestinians claim Jerusalem as capital for Israel, the entire city, the Palestinians the Eastern part. Due to the unresolved Status of the city, it was not a long time, the diplomatic consensus is that foreign countries will locate their Embassy in Jerusalem.

U.S. President Donald Trump had recognized Jerusalem in December 2017 as the capital of Israel and, later, the U.S. Embassy moved there. This angry protests of the Palestinians.

daily mirror tomorrow location


to order, “We are excited to move our Embassy to West Jerusalem, if it is concrete, as a support, and after determination of the final Status,” said Morrison. Until then, Australia will set up an office for defence and for trade in the West of the city.

Morrison had indicated in October, a change in the foreign policy of his country, which provoked resentment among his immediate neighbours Indonesia, the most populous Muslim country in the world. Since years of negotiations on a bilateral free trade agreement have been suspended.

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painted On Friday, the government in Canberra exhorted their compatriots to “a high degree of caution” when traveling to Indonesia. It was in the interest of his country to support a “liberal democracy” in the Middle East, said Morrison. The representation of the interests of the Palestinians in Australia (APAN) announced on Saturday, Morrison’s step serve Australia’s interests. Its Chairman, Bishop George Browning, said that the recognition of West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel “is sabotaging any real possibility of a future agreement, and encouraged by Israel, with its daily human rights violations against Palestinians to continue”. (AFP)