Speculation waves goes high after Sunday’s ”sabotageoperation” against the four oil tankers which must have occurred to the east of the emirate of Fujairah near Syria estuary.

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until further notice, be placed within the quotation marks is that so little concrete information has come out about the incidents, despite the fact that these occurred in one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes.

What has been reported is that a total of six vessels, four tankers and two merchant ships, attacked with an unidentified weapon that caused the minor holes in the hulls, according to the scanty william. One of the tankers, Andrea Victory, was owned by a Norwegian shipping company. There has never been any risk that the ships would sink.

the Tankers had no cargo at the moment. No oil spills and no injuries were reported. So far nobody has claimed the attacks.

Despite the mild adverse events stirred up a lot of turbulence and the rumor mill. A contributing factor to the high-voltage is the U.S. military upload outside the Iranian coast. Since a few days is a so-called anfallsgrupp from the us navy outside the Arabian peninsula.

including the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln, a missilkryssare and three destroyers – in the impact force superior to the whole of the Swedish fleet. In addition to the ships also have heavy bombers of the type B-52 sent to the region.

In addition to the military styrkedemonstrationen, the united states has recently tightened economic sanctions against Iran, which is affecting the country’s vital oil exports.

Iran has responded by threatening to block the strait of Hormuz to shipping traffic.

– we Can not use (the straits), we close it, ” said Alireza Tangsiri, commander of the Irgc marine unit, to the iranian news agency Fars at the end of april.

the strait of Hormuz is a narrow passage between the Persian gulf and the Arabian sea. This passes a third of all the world’s crude oil is transported by sea. Route’s strategic importance has meant that it is regularly used as a weapon by Iran in its conflict with the united states.

that the alleged sabotageaktionerna stepped up further. Both the military and the shaky energy market. After the incidents outside the Fujairah increased the price of oil per barrel with a near 2 per cent.

The conservative american newspaper the Wall Street Journal quoted on Tuesday an anonymous source within the administration that ”suggests” that Iran may be responsible for the attacks.

Iran’s foreign ministry has previously called the events ”unfortunate and disturbing”. On Tuesday, iranian parliament’s spokesman Behrouz Nemati to the news agency Irna that ”the israeli mischief” is behind the attacks.

the Lack of transparency and the facts have helped to boost ryktesfloran on social media, where it talks about the events would be orchestrated by the united states or saudi Arabia in order to start a war against Iran. Another explanation would be that Iran wants to show that with simple means can damage oil transport.

who carried out the sabotagedåden and what are the motivations behind it, the event is a clear illustration of the unstable situation around the Persian gulf right now. A situation where a single miscalculation threatens to drag in the once-a chain of events that could have extremely unpleasant consequences.