In the United arab Emirates is sex outside of marriage is illegal and can lead to imprisonment, and therefore unmarried women, in some cases, been forced to give birth wearing handcuffs and the police have been waiting outside the delivery room has the Swedish Radio symphony Caliber reported. The women referred to the police by the authorities who sit at the front desk.

pushed all the publicly owned hospitals in the shejkdömet Ajman on behalf of the presidentministeriet in the United arab Emirates. The company is earning millions in the shops .

Recently, could the DN to reveal to the incoming new master kai fa for Karolinska, Björn Zoëga served on the board of the subsidiary, Bariatric and Diabetes Center Ajman AB – a post which he resigned from as late as 5 march this year. Zoëga deny that he felt to how the pregnant women been treated.

At the hospital working 80 swedes, and some have received a leave of absence from the public healthcare system in Sweden. Including doctors and midwives from the Sahlgrenska worked there, according to Sveriges radio. Now considering the the hospital to no longer grant leave of absence to work in the United arab Emirates.

– When you hear this description of what apparently is the law and the principles in arab Emirates so will be dismayed, ” says Nils Crona, director of maternity care at the Sahlgrenska university to Sveriges radio.

taken from the political hold of the board.

“It is quite clear that this includes the ethical issues that we have not come in contact with in the past and we need to have an approach,” says social democrat Cecilia Dahlman Eek, vice chairman of sahlgrenska’s board of directors.