the Israeli air force struck the Gaza strip military targets early Saturday morning, told the news agency AP. The israel defense forces told the message service Twitter that the attacks are a response late Friday to missile attacks.

the news agency of the Gaza strip was shot a total of ten rockets into Israel. The israel defense forces told to combat their missiles eight. One house will get hit by the missiles, but human casualties have been reported.

the Israel defense forces released a video of the rocket attack against Twitter (you move to another service).

none of the palestinian factions have not signed up for the missile attack. Israel blames the attack on islamist movement Hamas. The news agency AP according to Hamas has told you she is committed to the unofficial ceasefire, but smaller factions may sometimes work independently without Hamas approval.

the Gaza health authorities, ten people were injured in gun battles between Gaza and Israel border fence during protests.

Hamas has organised weekly protests in Gaza and the Israeli border since last year against 12 years lasting blockade.

AFP:according to Israeli army reports rocket fire also on Thursday. It before the missile change had not happened since September 12. day.

At the time, the same day Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned that the military operation in Gaza may be the only option to try to stop the rocket attacks in the country.

see also:

the Israeli prime minister: the New war in Gaza seems inevitable(12.9.)

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