the New York Times former executive editor Jill Abramson gives the in week out a new book, “Merchants of truth”, where she portrays a serious threat to journalism. Now accused her book for the serious factual errors and plagiarism.

According to Michael Moynihan, who works for the media group Vice, appear to be at least six shorter pieces in the book literally be plucked from the descriptions of the Vice in other media. A party that is all about approaches to ethics in journalism seems to be lifted almost word-for-word from an article in the Columbia Journalism Review. Moynihan, who also worked for the Swedish think tank Timbro, accusing even Abramson for “egregious factual errors”.

previously known in american mediedebatt to have revealed that Jonah Lehrer, a journalist at The New Yorker, devoted themselves to extensive plagiarism.

the Accusations have shaken the american mediedebatten, then they touch one of the most respected journalists in the united states. In an interview with Fox News says Abramson to the allegations of plagiarism “is not at all a problem”. She also says that she sees it as an attempt at a vendetta from Viceanställda, who is upset over how they are portrayed in the book.

” the Attacks on my book from some of the Deputy reflects their dissatisfaction with what I consider to be a balanced portrait, writes Abramson on Twitter.

is one of the young journalists that Abramson seems to have plagiarized in the book. He has on Twitter shared by seven different pieces in the book, much of which seems to have been lifted from a story he did in 2014.

“The thing that struck me was that she wrote these batches as if she herself made an interview with a person, where the quotations in fact come from me,” says Ian Frisch to DN.

” I wanted to pay attention to this because I was so disappointed at Abramson, as she is a person I have long admired. I don’t want this to be about me, but about creating sensible processes for good journalism, ” says Frisch.

another journalist that Abramson seems to have plagiarized, writing on Twitter that she dedicated herself to a “rather blatant violation of basic journalism ethics.”

Among the american journalists is the many surprised that such an experienced and respected journalist who, Abramson seems to have indulged in plagiarism. In tacklistan to the book thank Abramson, an assistant for helping her with research, interviews and writing. Many colleagues in the industry speculate that it was so the mistakes ended up in the book:

– Almost all of these high-profile plagiatskandaler is to rely too much on an assistant or ghost writer, says Jeet Heer, editor at the New Republic.

” Maybe it was Jill Abramsom was careless and unethical. Maybe it was a ghost writer. Not sure what is worst, writes Clara Jeffery, editor of Mother Jones, on Twitter.

against journalism and the truth sells very in AMERICA right now, in part because of the president Trumps the attacks on the news media. Many publishers seem to be eager to quickly get out the books on these issues.

Several american journalists during the discussion on the Abramsons book pointed out that publishers cut down on fact-checking in recent years, which increases the risk for this kind of mistake. Book publisher Simon & Schuster sent out a press release after the accusations:

“If, upon closer review, it appears that changes and revisions are deemed necessary, we are ready to work with the author to implement these changes.”

have dismissed the allegations, also said Abramson on Thursday that she should take a closer look at the high-profile parties in the book.

” I take this seriously and will review the parties discussed, she wrote on Twitter.