the Prime minister’s place divorced Antti Slope (sd.) is the people’s view in the mirror look of the place: the majority thinks that the government crisis and the subsequent resignation are his own fault.
So says the yle of economic research from space by the query. According to more than half of the citizens believe that the slope of my activity was the main reason that the government partner, the center lost trust in the prime minister.
a quarter of survey respondents considered that the difference was due to the center to crash Antti Rinne.
the Slope resigned Tuesday, and the social democrats appointed him Thursday as the new board investigator.
the post of owner control with the groping of the former municipality and the owner of the control of the minister of Sirpa Paateroa (sd.) instead of blaming a difference of only four percent of the respondents. Paatero difference would the minister place on Friday of last week.
the Seven percent of the citizens believe that the Slope difference for no particular reason: politics, only use this sometimes.
Five % consider other causes have been affected, and three percent do not know.
Guess just continue until the exact reason is told
the Policy researcher Johanna Vuorelman according to the survey results show that ideological struggle, which reasons for divorce are, when they are not opened thoroughly in the public eye.
Vuorelma estimates that political wrangling would not be so fierce, if the slope of the distrust of the ultimate reason will be known.
– causes the subject of political struggle. On the one hand is the interpretation that the reason is the slope of the function. It is especially centrist and conservative. Another interpretation is that it was the center of power politics. There appear more social democrats and the left alliance, Vuorelma said.
a Large part of the Yle survey respondents see the prime minister and the entire government’s resignation to the reason I’m a Sergeant in the Slope itself.Joonas Haverinen / Yle
the Centre has been talking about the total budget and promised to open the causes in more detail later. As long as the detailed reasoning is not known, speculation and guess just continue. The slope difference between the reasons have been many interpretations.
– Explanation has been raised to the slope of the internal management of the government, contradictory speeches in public or the fact that they do not represent the policies of the government, as well as activities post the collective dispute and Paateroon targeted action.
– That affect what kind of policy the Slope represents. He is a trade union background profiling by certain interest groups representative, Vuorelma lists.
Vuorelma surprising then, that the slope of the difference of the interpretations stands out as a clear right–left dividing line, not so much the share of the government and the opposition camps.
This would be natural, when it is, however, the government trust. Vuorelman it is a struggle, specifically labour market policies.
the Democrats and the centre blame each other
Yle survey of background material to find out that opposition party supporters Antti slope of the main culprit to the resignation of the government.
the conservatives almost 80% and basic Finnish jacket and christian about 70% of the view of the Slope have been cooking their own soup good for.
the democrats of supporters almost 60% considered that the monkey had failed, i.e. the center of the run of the Slope difference. They, too, more than a quarter is, however, that the slope of the function is the main reason to get rid of.
the centre for more than 80 percent said that the Slope can blame his resignation only to himself. Other social democratic party’s former coalition partners are divided into position.
political scientist Johanna Vuorelman according to the cooperation ability to restore is not so easy, when parties have a different view of the reasons why.Tapio Rissanen / Yle
left alliance supporters, almost half of keep center of guilty to, a third view, the Slope was itself to blame for the divorce
the Green less than half the keep the Slope to guilty to get rid of, about a third of the blame to the centre.
more Than half of the Swedish people’s party:equal is the slope of the guilt position, a third tilts the direction of downtown.
noteworthy is the fact that only a few percent of the SDP, the centre and the left alliance supporters watching in the survey, the minister really peculiar behaviour Paatero activities are the main cause of the Slope and the resignation of the government. Opposition parties share this position.
instead of green in that figure is eight per cent and the Swedish people’s party on 11 per cent.
How to restore confidence?
the Parliamentary factions have responded today, the government scout Slope questions form a new government.
in Practice, the government continues with the same five-party lineup, and in June of the Slope under the leadership of the government programme, the prime minister and of ministers only change. Government negotiations take place tomorrow in parliament.
the Democrats and the center between them is according to the survey, however, a great distrust. Another reason for the government’s resignation of the center, the second Slope.
the party of the parliamentary factions vent their feelings on Thursday and the insurance were going forward in good spirit. The prime minister of the change was explained to strengthen confidence in the policy and that the function of government.
the university of Tampere, researcher at work for Johanna Vuorelman, can’t the opposite happen, too: the size of the government crisis has undermined the confidence of both political parties that the government’s ability to function.
it’s kind of hard to see how the government will be able to after this very quickly restore cooperation, which required it not to end again in crisis. Is getting a lot of labour market issues and industrial conditions. The political situation during the next year to claim it, that the government’s common situation picture, in what way to proceed.
– currently, it looks like there is a pretty deep gap between the different interpretations between what the government crisis has occurred, Vuorelma said.
the Slope of the government parties continue, but obviously without the Slope. He has not yet told her if she wants to be a minister in the new government.Jussi Nukari / Lehtikuva
Throughout the government crisis and the resignation dates back to the Post collective dispute and the company’s ownership steering. Vuorelma point out that the owner of the control line is still unresolved.
There is a deep tension. Whether the state as owner in the role, that it will drive, primarily, workers ‘ rights, or is it the state’s financial trustee? This debate has yet to take place, Vuorelma said.
And this is not the only thing, where in the board the continuing parties need to find common ground. For example, in recent days, outraged at Al-Hol refugee camp of Finnish mothers and children possible, in Finland the import to find as soon as the new government off the table.
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