Just a few days before christmas eve were forced to airport Gatwick off due to three drones that orbited near the landing and runway length. Initially arrested two men, but they were released after 36 hours, and the police apologized.
After consulting the 130 details of witness and knocked on doors with over 1,000 households the suspect to the police now that a disgruntled former employee at the airport may be behind the mysterious drönarflygningarna that paralyzed the airport, reports The Times.
indicated to the police that it has controlled the drones must be someone who knows the airport well. The suspect hid the drones behind buildings where they couldn’t be taken down by the ”anti-drönar-equipment”. Drönarpiloten ruled the drones so that they flew past the flygtrafikkontrollen where mobilförbud available, which means that people would not be able to shoot the drones.
– Drönarpiloten knew the blind spots, where they could not be found or caught. It was obviously someone who had a good knowledge of Gatwick, someone who has worked there, “says the officer to The Times and adds:
” Hypothetically, it may have been a disgruntled employee.
Read more: Gatwick closed again after the new drones – opened again
Read more: Police to consider shooting down drones over Gatwick