the Party is once again on the tiggerferd , and more lures with the results they can deliver. In marketing, it is either the brakes or reflection. In politikkmarkedet it is an advantage to be able to document the results and deliverables that correspond with your donor’s interests. This is been a natural part of the real bottom line. In the year that the municipal and county council elections, and the need to fill up partikassene is large. Both election campaigns and partiarbeid have a growing kostnadsprofil.

Previously, we’ve seen how billionaire Stein Erik Hagen, has threatened to close pengeflommen to the Right. The delivery was obviously not good enough. Now the party’s secretary Kjersti Stenseng at tiggerferd in the trade unions, and she highlights clearly what the party has achieved. Lokkematen is bl.a. rekommunalisering of private services and measures against temporary contracts. LO-federations are also being invited to a closer fagpolitisk cooperation locally, i.e. direct participation in the maktutøvelsen.

Partisystemet costs , and there is no reason to whine over. Democracy is neither free or farefritt. According to figures from Statistics Norway (SSB) had parties in 2017 the overall revenue of 740 million. money. 67 percent of this was public funding, own revenues accounted for 19 per cent, while the gaveandelen was 13 per cent. The gifts came up in almost 100 mill., and two givergrupper pointing out. The trade unions gave 37 million. to the Ap, SV and Sp, while rich individuals and companies accounted for 30 million. that mainly went to the Right and the other bourgeois parties.

the Gifts make up a pretty small proportion of the political parties ‘ total expenditure, but is very important as valgkampbidrag. There is also reason to note that the contribution from the outside constitutes an almost twice as large amount as the parties medlemskontingenter. Together, this gives the sponsors a significant political weight, even if it is not utmyntes as a direct reward.

In your options is each voice just as much worth. Monetary gifts have the opposite character. The relationship is enhanced when the amount increases. At the same time, there is an overarching goal that no one should be able to buy political influence. Confidence in our political system is depending on that there is no doubt about it. Now is the time come to consider the entire partifinansieringen, including new and tighter rules for gifts to the parties. It should still be allowed to donate to parties, but there must be an upper limit. Politics and politicians should never be for sale.