to succeed to take over power in Venezuela, opposition leader Juan Guaidó get the military’s support.

he dived on Tuesday up at an air base outside the capital, Caracas, along with a few dozen members of the national guard.

Henrik Brandão Jönsson: They will not succeed to overthrow the Maduro

No significant change of the military’s public support for the current president, Nicolás Maduro, was not, however.

the Opposition rallies on Tuesday, resulted in over 100 injured, including security forces rubber bullets. Many were injured when a military vehicle drove into the midst of the demonstrators.

Late Tuesday, said Maduro, ”the coup had failed”. He appeared on venezuelan television, together with, among others, the defence minister and the army chief Vladimir Padrino. Those who supported the attempt to overthrow the government would be prosecuted, the president said.

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the clashes. Juan Guaidó has stated that the final phase of ”operation freedom” shall commence on the first of may, a day traditionally used by the incumbent leftist government to show that it has strong popular support.

Guaidó talking about a ”miljonmarsch” against the Maduro government.

On Twitter, he writes that the military no longer supports the president. ”The armed forces have made the right decision, they have the venezuelan people’s support.”

About 50 countries, including the united states and Sweden and the rest of the EU, support the ago in the last winter, Juan Guaidó as the legitimate interim president of Venezuela. The primary reason cited for this is that the choice of Maduro is not considered to have been fair.

Guaidó is the president of the country’s parliament, where the opposition is in the majority. President Maduro, however, has set up an alternative parliamentary assembly that he has control over.