The second summit between Donald Trump is more prepared than the last, according to Kent Härstedt, Sweden’s special envoy for the Korean peninsula, which follows a meeting in Hanoi.
the two countries have begun talks on various issues, unlike how it was at the last summit, in Singapore in the last year, which ruled top to bottom: then began contacts at the highest level.
– We participate in the negotiations, but trying to follow them close. What will be the consequences for the Swedish humanitarian aid? What role can Sweden have in the future, and what does it mean for cooperation on the Korean border, of which Sweden is a part of? says Kent Härstedt, who has traveled regularly to north Korea in many years.
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The hardest question is how a path to nuclear disarmament might look like. Very little suggests that north Korea has embarked on some disarmament.
– Many testify that the Dprk’s supreme leader in a variety of contexts, clearly expressing that he wants to see a nuclear-weapon-free Koreahalvö. The question is what timescale, and how quickly they can find a way to get them to feel safe?
In the equation, mean Härstedt, it must also be clear that there are options:
” What can get north Korea to see a different future? There are for example, the security arrangements on the Korean peninsula, and economic development. This is also why the confidence-building measures are important.
also include other key players – south Korea, China, Russia and Japan.
the summit is only considered successful if it ends in a concrete action plan, mean Härstedt.
Handshakes and signatures on paper is one thing, but you have to agree on a process that will actually run. One should not judge Singapore or Hanoi as individual moments, but see what happens then. I don’t think you should underestimate the Trumps endurance.
– It would go against the international trend right now, but every situation is unique, and each region has its history. It would be something that the world needs, ” says Kent Härstedt.
the Outcome of the meeting is of relevance for Sweden’s continued involvement in the issue: when the united states and north Korea speak directly and constructively with each other, reducing Sweden’s relative role. When the relationship is worse, Sweden has sometimes been given a role as a facilitator of the message.
In January, it carried out a meeting in Stockholm in cooperation with the peace research institute Sipri, and representatives of both the united states and north Korea. In the spring of planned activities from the Swedish press. The detail on them is conditional on the outcome of the meeting in Hanoi.
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