Time is a relative concept, for african politicians. Despite the fact that they always travel in good hands between their destinations, it is more the rule than the exception that a political kampanjmöte start earlier than three hours after the scheduled time. Nice people will, as is known, the late.

seems to be the exception. The thousands partianhängare gathered in the small town of Butterworth in the Eastern Cape have only been waiting about ten minutes before their president do a flyover with a militärhelikopter and lands in the vicinity of the muddy pitch. A quarter of an hour later the procession in and Ramaphosa can make an entrance at the provisional stage, to the strains of a political style which has followed him since he won the battle victory for 1.5 years ago.

– Ixesha lisondele, ixesha lifikile! The time is near, the time is here!

Ramaphosa can at this point. Every time the chorus to ”Pakhama Ramaphosa” kicks off, he points to the clock on the left arm and it is a gesture that can be interpreted in several ways. The schedule is really packed during a weekend where he will harvest ten meetings in seven different locations in the province.

– the ANC should be renewed! The ANC must unite!

as he has to their own supporters in the party: the ANC shall be rejuvenated as a party, and to overcome the deep division in the organization. The ruling party, as in the days ruled south Africa for just a quarter of a century, are in freefall after a decade of destructive rule under the predecessor Jacob Zuma. The split is deep in the party that is torn in two directions, not unlike the european socialdemokratier, and the many years in power has led to widespread corruption and mismanagement at both local and national level.

– the ANC was created to provide leadership. We are in a period of renewal where we must safeguard our values are integrity, honesty and good leadership. We must again become a party that inspires confidence for I know that this is what you are longing for, ” he says.

During the speech, he goes on to talk about the economy which are in a closest to the emergency location. Time is running out for the many reforms he has launched to save the crisis-ridden south african economy – and his own career as president of South africa, which can be short if he fails.

Despite Ramaphosas own timeliness is the overriding issue in this year’s election, which takes place on Wednesday, the same ANC that for the country at large: will he too late?

In all cases, it was Nelson Mandela’s thought. At the end of the 1980s had fackbasen Cyril Ramaphosa made a name for himself in the freedom struggle during the formation of Cosatu, South africa’s equivalent to the LO. The young lawyer who took the struggle of the miners impressive in the Mandela that came apartheidsystemets dödsryckningar from the Victor Verster prison where he moved after 18 years on Robben Island. When Mandela was freed in February 1990, Ramaphosa a part of the welcoming committee and he was holding the microphone when the future national hero, gave his first speech in Cape town.

chief negotiator in the talks with the odious apartheid regime and he is considered to be the originator of the constitution, which guaranteed a peaceful transition to democracy in south Africa. But when Mandela’s vice-president and later successor would be appointed, was rejected by the rest of the ANC leadership who, instead, put Thabo Mbeki in the mail. Ramaphosa, who was considered inexperienced for the office, left politics for a career in the business world and would make a comeback first, 17 years later – in a party which was then in crisis.

to manage the economy, corruption ballooned and he had sold out to the government’s decision-making to your friends in näringslivsfamiljen Gupta, who lined their pockets on the lucrative contracts that could cost taxpayers many billions of Swedish kronor. The expansion of the electricity and water supply had come to a standstill, the health service could not deliver basic care and in schools, lack of textbooks.

As vice president during the first five years after his comeback in 2012 was forced to Ramaphosa keep a low profile when it comes to Zuma’s mismanagement, but then he in december 2017, won a bitter battle to succeed Zuma as ANC leader, against his exhustru Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, it has become another sound in the bell.

” over The past nine years can be considered lost years, where we went astray, both on a political and, dare I say, economic level, said Ramaphosa at a dinner in Davos last winter.

in south Africa. Representative Jacob Zuma went to the roof. In a statement, wrote that he ”never, ever put the blame on someone representatives” and that there are no ”nine wasted years”.


In Port Elizabeth, an industrial town on the south coast, where Ramaphosa meet representatives of the local business community, he continues on the feature tracks even if he is in the sensitive election campaign wraps his message.

” the Infrastructure has been ignored. Zenit in the construction sector occurred in 2010 (when the country arranged the fifa world CUP, red. note.) but after that it went downhill. I have not seen any cranes in the last eight years, but I want to see them all over the country, ” said Ramaphosa.

as the applause is the strongest. Accountability, ” says Ramaphosa, must be restored.

– If you have done wrong, submit yourself to the then party discipline and the general judiciary.

A comprehensive legal proceedings are pending against Zuma, who still has strong support in the party, and also the party’s secretary general Elias ”Ace” Magashule is the subject of the investigation. The Zuma camp may have lost the battle for the leadership, but sharpening the knives in anticipation of a mistake by Ramaphosa. Half the party has polluted the bottom of the years under Zuma and it is far from all the ANC politicians who are interested in any fresh start.

In Grahamstown talking Ramaphosa in his capacity as the president of the country, not the ANC politicians, when the country on 27 april commemorates the 25th anniversary of the first free elections. He reflects on the past and it is not difficult to understand the many black voters who remain loyal to the ANC of pure gratitude for their effort in the fight against the oppression.

Denied a decent education, prevented from seeking work in more than a few professions, hopträngda in the overpopulated shanty towns and reserves, with every movement controlled and groups terrorized, their health is limited by disease and malnutrition, were black south africans destined for a life of misery, ” says Ramaphosa.

lived in the apartheidåren. A new generation that has grown up not content with the political freedom their parents won 25 years ago – they want to see economic justice and the current speed, it will, according to the last major census to take until 2060 before black and white are at the same income levels.

In this landscape has vänsterpopulistiska party, the Economic Freedom Fighters, EFF, made a breakthrough under the former ANC politician Julius Malemas leadership. Impatient young people are attracted by the EFF’s promise of a more radical redistribution of the country’s assets.

the Democratic Alliance, DA, has begun to attract over voters from the black middle class of between five and ten million people, the ANC created during their years in power. A middle class that is tired of corruption and bureaucracy and who want to see a smaller apparatus.

the ANC is predicted to back from 62.2% in 2014 to 56.9 percent, according to the world of Apps. A larger breed than that will put the item Ramaphosas effort to renew the ANC, where Zuma faction will load Ramaphosa for the failure.

in parliament, as is quite possible, it will have already shared the party leadership choosing coalition partners: the EFF to the left or to DA right, or a collection of smaller parties might?

This scenario was previously unthinkable in south Africa. Now it is, most of the experts, only a matter of time.