on Saturday, staged once again demonstrations against the Turkish military operations in North-east Syria. Protesters took to the streets in Turku, Tampere, Kokkola and Helsinki, told the Turun protest of the organising Rojavan friends bulletin.

Turku protesters gathered in the promenade afternoon at three.

in Helsinki protest march has convened Kurdistan solidarity network, Helsinki, finland. Also in helsinki in anti-Turkish protest convened this afternoon at three o’clock. Hakaniemi market square in the outgoing procession marches on narinkka square for. Numerous ngos and groups to support the event.

the Actions required for Turkey, the EU and Finland

according to the Bulletin today is celebrated the international day of action to demonstrate the global opposition to Turkish military action. Turkey in October began after the attack in Finland has organized a dozen or expression. The protesters are demanding action from Turkey, the EU and Finland. The protesters are demanding Finland to withdraw all 21 Turkey granted arms export licences. Finland also calls for the EU presidency, that the country should take EU action in the Turkish war operations of the abolition. The protesters suggest, inter alia, Turkey imposed the blockade.

North-east syria over the you also want to set the no-fly zone, so that the Turkish air strikes to an end. Finland is part of the extremist organisation Isis to defeat of the international coalition, which the protesters a no-fly zone says the. The coalition as part of Finland has, in their opinion, the obligation to make a difference.

the Bulletin also encouraged individual people to boycott the Turkish products as well as travel to Turkey.

Police used force in the previous demonstration

Two weeks ago, held a similar demonstration the police had to resort to force. The organising party vehicle tried to participate in the walking procession in Helsinki.

Police told to negotiate their hours of demonstration with the organizers. The organisers hope was to move the procession of the tip in the car. For security reasons the police ordered the organisers to leave the car away.

the Provisions, despite the vehicle left the procession, and the police stopped the procession immediately after the narinkka square for. The police told me finally he broke the vehicle’s window to stop it.

Almost simultaneously with the more protest to block the police car’s movement. In this connection, the police used tasers to a person who was opposed to the police. Force provoked the criticism of the system and protesters.

Two weeks ago, a demonstration during the police situation centre as the director-general acted the captain Jere Roimun according to the vehicle were made in advance of the decision, not letting it go to the streets.

in a Previous similar demonstrations, the demonstrators had a car, and then the demonstration ended in the embassy area, where the event damage. Demonstration the crowd was moving and running around the embassy area so that the car drove into people, Roimu told a demonstration the day after.

Roimun according to police had suspected that the demonstration may be directed to a pre-agreed route, for example, wells park in the embassy area.

demonstration organiser, Together Rojavan on behalf of the solidarity network, according to police does not in any way announced in advance, not to be used.

see also:

Police used tasers in Helsinki, the Turkish military action in the kurdish autonomous region in the objecting demonstration(19.10.)

Police respond to criticism of their activities Saturday to protest(20.10)

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