comparisons are often difficult. Apples and pears and so on. But with a little thought experiment, no one should have something, or? Now for:
are you a Muslim (or a Muslim), not very devout, living in Germany. The Ramadan fast, but that’s it. In the case of Christians, there’s the Christmas of the Christians, goes only to Christmas eve in the Church. Similarly, you could refer to it as the Ramadan Muslim. Your Faith is to your identity, but rather loose than tight.
Nevertheless, you will of Islam is rubbed under the nose. If somewhere in the world, Muslim terrorists, an attempt to perpetrate, they should distance themselves from it. At best a Demo. Islam is not a Religion of peace, as it was called by many Non-Muslims. Even Religion is something very Private. That is why Islam need a kind of Reformation needs to be cleared up, should be in any case politically. Muslims would have to renounce violence, women can emancipate themselves, tolerate homosexuality.
good – or better said: mostly well-intentioned advice from the outside, it does not lack them, as a Muslim, verily. Sometimes you have the impression that Non-Muslims are only satisfied if there is the Islam only in Secret. Oh, it would be so easy as in the case of Christians, the can simply leave the Church.
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order of hundreds of thousands of souls have been wounded
And now follow the news from the Vatican. There is a big international conference with the consequences of the abuse scandal. Hundreds of thousands were is children and young people from Christian spiritual abuse, covered by a System of concealment and covering up. Hundreds of thousands of souls have been wounded, some scars never heal.
the questions Of the followers of this allegedly true Religion of peace, of pious Christians and secular tradition of Christians, many of whom are proud of the Western heritage of your faith – of which I let me say what is in my Religion, Islam, is wrong? I need to be taught about enlightenment and humanism, tolerance and the Dignity of the human person? Just imagine, imams have in the world and for decades in schools and mosques, children abused – what would be! It is anti-threatened-Muslim pogroms with dead and wounded.
you look around in your neighborhood. The abuse scandal shaking the next woman and the next man really? This has nothing to do with me, say, these are so impassive as succinctly. But why the Terror has to do with them, the Ramadan Muslim?
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crisis summit to abuse the Pope wants to “Evil” overcome
Dominik Straub
The Bible quotes Jesus with the sentence: “What do you see but the splinter in your brother’s eye and considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?” When they heard of it, did you like the set, because he reminded them of the Qur’an. There it is: “do you Want to the people of the God areas, pleasing Action and you even forget, that you put forth to your font?!”