the mail of a collective dispute the parties have responded to the kingdom of the mediator Anemone Piekkalan to leave the reconciliation to the show tonight at 10. A little after ten in the morning valtakunnansovitteja Anemone Piekkala says that he left the settlement proposal is approved. He had left the settlement of his presentation in the evening.

the kingdom of the mediator Anemone Piekkala says in his office, that “the strike will end immediately.”

This means that about 10 000 postal types of stop ends and various trade unions support measures to speed up the Postal and logistics industry (PAU) työehtospimuksen negotiations erupt gradually.

– the Strike end and employees return the next possible shift, said pau president of Heidi Nieminen the kingdom of the mediator’s office.

He was anyway satisfied with the agreement.

the controversy of the focus was on the 700 package species the adapter’s transfer of media alliance and industrial union cheaper collective agreement. Palta, i.e. the Service sector employers association’s ceo Tuomas Aarto to tell the kingdom of the mediator at the office that implemented the movement of the transfer Mail to the subsidiary remains in effect, and the package type speculators remain in the Postal service of the employees. Their conditions of work are determined by Palta and Pau now approved according to the collective agreement.

Postal work stoppage should be continued up almost until christmas, if the agreement had not been found. On Monday this week, PAU extended the strike for mail distribution, handling and transportation, as well as staff and store positions.

the Mail has expressed satisfaction that the work was done and the Mail reports on its website that the christmas post office you get now there before christmas.

support the strike affected in many different ways

the Industrial action started already more than two weeks ago, and it has affected in many ways including letter mail, parcels and newspaper shipping. In addition, many trade unions support the strike are restricted by, inter alia, public transport, air traffic, ship traffic and port in the passenger ships.

Tomorrow, Thursday, Truck and transport trade union (ACP ) does not so expand the support activities to the narrow field of ports. This should be stopped as well as the Hamina-Kotka the Vuosaari harbour, the functions completely and significantly affected by foreign goods for export.

Similarly, the end Finnish Seamen’s Union support. How quickly the foreign traffic in the Finnish vessels flying the flag start to operate to begin to specify.

Seamen’s Union, is the shipping of the stick, how fast the ports missed the boat, you will be moving again. Trade unions can take a while before the ships sent home by sailors returning to work.

the Great passenger ships at least Eckerö Line Finlandia return shipping according to the traffic this afternoon. Then the ship leaves from Helsinki to Tallinn.

Viking Line port missed the boat, you start to also come back today to transport (switch to another service). In the evening, Viking Line is a departure from Turku to Stockholm and from Helsinki to Stockholm. All the shipping company’s ships to strike has not stopped.

Tallink-Silja traffic is starting to return (move to another service) that already today normal. The company’s ship from Turku to Stockholm departs in the evening normal schedule. From helsinki to Stockholm operated by a Silja Serenade return line its tomorrow, Thursday.

Aviation Union according to the support measures have expired the mail today, the labor dispute has ended. The IAU’s members participate in again in the normal mail handling at the airport.

Finnish food workers ‘ union (SEL) are not processed by the Mail transport support of PAUlle. SEL started a support strike on Friday of last week and it would have continued to 8. until December. The post has been carrying a number elintarviketuöteryhmiä shops. This was feared to affect the already on the store shelf to the provision of for example, some of the brewing products. Support the strike ends SEL:in according to the announcement immediately and continue to work normally.

we will Update the story.

see also:

the settlement motion has been adopted, the postal strike ends: 700 package sorter under the new collective bargaining agreement, the minister Paatero: “I Am very pleased” – Very follow the moment to moment

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