– She starts with a lunch meeting with EUROPEAN commission president Jean-Claude Juncker, then waiting for the EU parliament’s president, Antonio Tajani, and then president of the European council Donald Tusk. The latter represents the EU’s heads of state and government.

– Theresa May wishes that she can return to the Uk and show up a legally binding promise to reservlösningen for the border on the irish island should not be forever, that the Uk is simply not fixed in an EU trap. Reservlösningen means that the Uk is in a customs union with the EU and northern Ireland are also covered by parts of the EU’s internal market. The purpose of the solution is to ensure that the limit of the island remains open. In EU lingo, you talk about the backstop.

– No, not so concrete. But in politics, almost everything is possible and there may be solutions to compromise on. For example, say from EUROPE to utträdesavtalet not going to tear up for renegotiation. If it is possible to add clauses in the agreement, it is not as clear.

– When it comes to reservlösningen have the rest of the EU countries is constantly emphasised the fact that it is just a stopgap measure. It will come in if the parties can not conclude new cooperation agreements.

– Theresa May and Jean-Claude Juncker has submitted a joint statement after their meeting which lasted over an hour. It shows the positions remain locked and that the discussion was robust, but constructive. On diplomatspråk does it mean that the discussion was fairly eldfängd.

– In the statement also says that they will continue to work together for Britain to leave the EU in orderly form, i.e. with a contract – not a hard Brexit. Theresa May and Jean-Claude will meet again at the end of this month.

the Prime minister has recently been in northern Ireland and will on Friday travel to Dublin for a private meeting with his irish colleague, mr Leo Varadkar. On Monday, then Brexitministern Steven Barclay to meet with the EU’s chief negotiator, mr Michel Barnier in Strasbourg. So the call is in progress, but it is still unclear how the knots should be resolved and 29 march is only 50 days away.

Read more.Tusk: Which hell awaits those who advocated the Brexit?

Read more. The irish prime minister: Hard Brexit could mean troops at the border