“A Sausage-on experience of the world, that wouldn’t be gone”, says Benjamin-Immanuel Hoff. The Left-politician in Thuringia state Chancellery-in – chief and Minister of culture-and at the same time, since a couple of days first, anti-Semitism officer of the Federal state.

at the end of last week has reached the Hoff is in talks with mühlhausen upper citizens mayor Johannes Bruns (SPD), that the private “1. German bratwurst Museum”, so far, in the Thuringian town of Holzhausen (Ilm-Kreis), not as initially planned on the site of a former sub-camp of the Buchenwald concentration camp pulls.

“A learning experience for the daily necessity to make history-conscious,” says Hoff after the negotiations. “I’m going to assume that the cow is from the ice and definitely a different location is found.” The bratwurst Museum apologized on his website “for all who have seen our Actions as a trivialization or relativization of the crimes of national socialism, and in their ideological and religious feelings have been hurt.”

The Museum’s operator, to explain more: “We are for responsibility of the community for this dark Chapter of German history. It’s not a bratwurst is a Museum on the site of the B-bearing.”

daily mirror tomorrow location

for Free order

In an interview with the daily mirror complained Hoff want to implement did on Monday, especially the Investor, the “forgotten history” of his plans. The decision of the city Council, which had been approved last week, the plans had been “completely irresponsible”.

In Holzhausen around 50,000 people a year visit the bratwurst Museum, at the new location it should be even more. Were planned Hotel,, a “bratwurst theatre”, “Verwurstungs-Shows”, and perhaps even giant wheels. Mayor Bruns called the planned move to Mühlhausen, first “tourist of the highly exciting”.

history of the place wrong

The private Investor of the Museum and the city of Mühlhausen had argued, the history of the place is not known, or have not properly assessed. assessed “To me this message (on the prehistory of the area) has just as surprised as probably many,” said Thomas Mäuer, the Deputy Chairman of the Association “friends of the Thuringian Bratwurst”. The “Bild”newspaper cited the Investor Jan Kratochwil, who had purchased the site in 2008, with the words: “There are reports, that the people were glad to be there.”

Since 1944, are laid down according to the historian Frank Baranowski in the camp of the “Martha II” up to 700 female Jewish prisoners between 15 and 33 years of age from Hungary and Poland, and to work been forced. “The camp was a concentration camp of Buchenwald in the Small with the same dire living conditions. Only that you needed the inmates to Work and, therefore, not simply the death of the left,” said Baranowski of the “Thüringer Allgemeine”. The Jewish women worked for the Gerätebau GmbH , a branch of the Ruhlaer watch factory Thiel.

After the Second world war the site was used differently, the times of the GDR there were barracks of the National people’s army, also kasernierte people’s police was housed there. After the turn of the refugees from Yugoslavia were houses there, and later the PV-plants built in. A part of the barracks of the concentration camp-outside of camp until today.

Hoff and Bruns stated last Friday that there should be no doubt on the suffering in the concentration of the national camps, socialists, internees, and of the inhumanity of the system of forced labour. Together with the Foundation memorial sites Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora city and country wanted to make the already existing memorial to the former concentration camp “publicly noticeable”, announced the two leaders.

On Monday told Hoff that he was pleased with the “fast agreement” with the mayor. There is the “insight on all the pages of that history has not ended”.

Central Council of the Jews: a history-forgotten decision

The Thuringian Left-hand member of the state Parliament, Catherine king-added Preuss: “I have absolutely no idea how you can even think of such an idea.” She told the daily mirror: “For me, this is really unimaginable.” As the owner, you have to walk-in such plans immediately beer, at the latest, if you know of such a history of the site. In the criticism, you referred to the city Council of Mühlhausen, which had approved the plans on Thursday evening. The “bratwurst contract” had been signed on Wednesday in Holzhausen, the former site of the bratwurst Museum.

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Mühlhausen outrage over the planned relocation of bratwurst Museum in the former concentration camp grounds

Against the plans for the relocation of the Bratwurst Museum on the grounds of the former concentration subcamp was also the President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Josef Schuster had protested. He told the news Agency dpa: “With all understanding for tourist attractions such insensitive and history-forgotten decision is to understand in any way.” On Monday, Shuster told the daily mirror: “I welcome the fact that by mutual agreement it was decided to seek a new location for the Museum.”