strasbourg the european parliament will finally begin in earnest their work, when it accepts today, Wednesday Ursula von der Leyenin commission.

the Commission will begin work on Sunday 1. December, a month late. The delay is due to the fact that the parliament rejected the France, Hungary and Romania, the first commissioner candidates.

the Parliament the attitude of the commission in the selection is the background also contributed to the fact that the member states rejected the tip candidate of the procedure of the commission in the selection. It has left a visible crack in the EU parliament, the commission and the European council between.

left alliance Silvia modig’s view, the new commission’s climate policy is not ambitious enough.Esa Syväkuru / Yle

suomalaismepit of Silvia Modig (left.) vote against the commission in large part because the commission’s climate policy is not ambitious enough. Him gnaw also failed president choice.

the EU’s climate policy has started to commission the tip of the spear and the union’s biggest challenges in the next five years. Modig criticizes von der Leyenin Green deal initiative too löperöksi.

– any promises that we would do the decisions that keep us adhere to the Paris agreement, it is not. Even the emissions reduction target for 2030 did not promise to raise the science that has been recommended to the level. The 55 percent reduction goal is just the minimum, said Modig.

Also, the finns will vote against the commission. Members of the european parliament Laura huhta island (ps.) according to the new commission is the EU integration positive.

Coalition Henna Virkkunen support the aims of the commission on the status of women to strengthen.Petri Aaltonen / Yle

the conservative party of camp von der Leyenin set by political objectives instead is considered good. Former board secretary and members of the european parliament Henna Virkkunen (ioc.) is particularly pleased that the commission intends to strengthen the role of women in the labour market.

– Program has a policy that wages increase transparency and parental leave aligned to the mothers and fathers in the middle. If the proportion of women on company boards is not a cure, von der Leyen is prepared to bring in this legislation.

improving competitiveness is one of Europe’s biggest challenges. Women’s pay is 16 per cent of men’s wages and lower pensions as much as 40 percent weaker.

One of the reasons for this is Virkkunen, the root of the parental leave system, which will keep women outside the labour market. The european economy loss is Virkkunen, according to the EU-at the level of eur 300 billion.

the Commission voted through without the green

the Spring parliamentary elections after the euro parliament is more fragmented and thus also riitaisampi. Both the centre-right the centre-left to deteriorate in the election so much so that support for the legislation must apply to both the liberal Renew European group that green.

first fight is already ready, because when parliament on Wednesday will vote on the commission’s approval, the greens will abstain.

the Decision has aroused resentment. Officials say that the greens can’t be trusted.

Eero heinäluoma does not understand empty voting.Marja Väänänen / Yle

Eero heinäluoma (sd.) he said he was surprised.

We in Finland don’t empty voting appreciated, says Heinäluoma

meps Ville Niinistö (gr.) to defend their group position.

climate policy is the future of Europe effort, and the greens are demanding more from the commission work. In addition to the green maintain hungary’s enlargement commissioner and the Greek commissioner of the european way of life protection, focusing on the task in question.

– the Direction is right, but specific proposals are still shrouded in mystery. We want to say, that more needs to be done, so the greens support may continue to receive, said Niinistö.

the first bill on climate action von der Leyenin is expected in mid-December, before the EU summit.

Quarrel institutional of between-and within parliament

Nils Torvalds (r.) works of the liberal group coordinator in the environment committee. He recognizes that the group is more political tension and differing views.

We are required to now better the ability to build a compromise, said Torvalds.

RKP:n Nils Torvalds calls for a compromise between the ability to.Derrick Frilund / Yle

compromise the ability of will be required of all, if the EU intends to accomplish in the next year of challenges.

global warming in addition has agreed upon a year 2021-2027 budget. Parliament, the commission and the member states have a completely different line on the budget magnitude, and Finland as the presidency no longer believe that there will be political agreement of the Finnish season.

Member states net contributors against net recipients with the parliament against the member states and with the commission, and the commission performed the member states and the parliament somewhere in between.

the Parliament wants to increase the budget substantially and to redirect resources to new needs, such as security, digitalization, education and innovation. Member countries want to safeguard agriculture and the areas targeted funds.

Finland supported the commission’s right of initiative state compliance with the principles binding for EU-funding is only in the wind, even if it’s in parliament has gone through.

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