TINTIN SO CURRENT light as a tegneglad typograf in Belgium, Georges Remi, in 1928, was commissioned to create the fabric for a barneavis as an attachment to the daily newspaper he worked for, Le XXe Siècle. The first strip was about “Tintin in the Soviet union” and was printed in January, 1929. Both this series and especially the next, “Tintin in the Congo”, later been heavily criticized for their prejudice. In the third, “Tintin in America”, is the young man with the fresh luggen already a world-famous journalist who waltzes up with gangsters in Chicago.

BUT THIS WAS only the prelude. The next booklet, “the Pharaoh’s cigars”, is an exotic adventure filled with strong characters and mind-blowing cliffhangere. Nonetheless, the fifth story, “The blue lotus”, the actual sjumilssteget in Draw artistic development. The series takes place in China and depicts, among other things japanernes imperialism, which Empire in the middle was exposed. Also tegneteknisk did Remi great benefits, good helped by a chinese who studied art in Brussels, Chang Chongren. Through him was Remi, or Hergé as he called themselves (a variant of the RG, Draw initials in reverse order), introduced for the chinese tusjmaleri, poetry and philosophy.

the inter-war years was a golden age for the traveller reporters of all kinds. After that explorers and adventurers like Henry Morton Stanley and Fridtjof Nansen had laid the foundation for reiseboka as a literary genre, exploded the market for books about the places readers could only dream of seeing with their own eyes. The authors wrote with enthusiasm and curiosity about remove jungelstrøk and high mountain peaks, overcrowded metropolises and ødslige snøvidder.

GEORGES REMI sucked inspiration from newspapers and magazines. Just like its us counterpart, Carl Barks, he drew landscapes to fabulous adventure around the world inspired by the images and news reports, which he preserved in its rich archives. That Tintin is a journalist, is also the time. As the representative of the fourth estate he stands on the weak side in the struggle for justice. Gradually, some of the stories are characterized by science fiction, for example, when Tintin travels to the moon. Bifigurene in the series gives the stories a big boost, the dog, Terry, captain Haddock, professor Tournesol and police officers Dupond and Dupont. Tegneteknisk was Hergé a pioneer, a representative of the so-called ligne claire , the clean line.

TINTIN HAS inspired later master in seriebransjen, such as Hugo Pratt “Corto Maltese”, Frank Robbins “Johnny Hazard” and Edgar P. Jacobs’ “Blake and Mortimer”. The series also has similarities with the Milton Caniffs masterful “Terry and the pirates”, which saw the light of day in 1934. Tintins anniversary is, of course, celebrated in his own museum in Brussels, where it certainly is possible to ruinere. No seriefigur has brought so many collector as Tintin, the porselensfigurer, T-shirts, watches, lamps, toy cars, cutlery, and alarm clocks. Most of the same high quality as the series that started the whole adventure.