was a counsellor moment, already when chancellor Angela Merkel had to resign as the party leader of the CDU congress in last fall. Now it should be even truer. The new partilederen Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (normally for commercial purposes under the acronym ALAS) now says that she will have a close scrutiny of what really happened in the autumn of 2015, when more than a million refugees and migrants poured into Germany when Merkel opened the borders, and wanted the refugees who got stuck in the Balkans welcome to Germany.

It is Merkel’s achilles heel which is now formally under investigation, but, in reality, be attacked. What made her so vulnerable that the party was bleeding in both the national elections and in delstatsvalg, and made sure she eventually had to resign as party leader, and announce that she, in reality, sitting on the dismissal as chancellor. To the newspaper Die Welt am Sonntag says ALAS:

– We will look at the whole immigration issue, from the protection of the external border, to asylum procedures and integration, from a perspective of what is effective, says the new CDU-leader

And though this is a careful criticism of Merkel, who has not wanted to look at this at all, and have called it the “bortkasta time”, so is the tone of the ALAS ready. As a response to Merkel’s comment that a review of the fall of 2015 is “bortkasta time”, answers ALAS the cash, and almost polemically his former political mentor Merkel:

– It would be a strange state of affairs if we in the CDU should not approach the subject fully, and ignore the things that happened in 2015, ” says ALAS.

Thus, if she takes already the conservative kristeligdemokratiske the party a good distance back to the roots. Days as an almost idealistic, philanthropic, immigration-liberal party, so that in many ways was under Merkel, is about to be history. The CDU should be a more recognizable conservative european party, in which values are counted in money, more than in the great resolutions. And Merkel is about to get their passports printed, as a sentimental director, who allowed emotions and conscience control her during flyktningkrisa, a crisis that far on the road has defined the EUROPEAN union and Europe since 2015, with dramatically greater support for right-populist and innvandringsfiendtlige parties as a result.

But it stop not with immigration. For Merkel approaching his political retirement as a distinctly downtown-downtown-leader, i.e. approximately in the middle of the zenith of the political scale, with compromise as the goal. She is, admittedly, conservative in economic policy, but has been eminently liberal in immigration policy, and a green leader in the european environmental policy, which has been one that has pushed on to reach the climate targets and adopted to lay down the German industry.

And even if the ACC was Merkel’s candidate to take over as CDU leader in the fall, so has it been on the cards that the party had to find a way back to a more recognizable profile. So when the ACC on Monday also langet out against the environmental organizations that fight for less emission of pollution from vehicles, as was also recognizable. She accused activists of DUH to drive “a crusade” against the diesel cars, a chatter Merkel would hardly used.

To be erased Angela Merkel is already slowly but surely away from politics, but far from away from the story.