In the trial against a former SS guard in the concentration camp of Stutthof, the defendant is more compromise. The district court of Münster has suspended the process; in January, it is decided whether he should start from the beginning. The indictment accuses the 95-Year-old a hundred times accessory to murder in the German concentration camp near Danzig, from 1942 to 1944. the

The trial against a former SS guard in the concentration camp Stutthof is initially burst. The district court of Münster suspended the proceedings on Thursday due to a severe heart and kidney disease of the defendants.

On the last Day of the trial with the defendant on 22. November had subsided, the attention of clearly, the negotiation was then broken off. The 95-Year-old negotiation since then has been unable, and is in the hospital. His lawyer said a report in the westfälische Nachrichten, that his client was trying to hold out: “He is pushed to his physical limits.”

A medical expert to examine the man in January again. Then the presiding judge Rainer Brackhane want to decide whether the procedure with new dates must start again. After a recess of three weeks, the code of criminal procedure provides for this step.

recovery is possible, but not likely

court-appointed medical expert had, on 8. Hearing the health condition of the accused described, had deteriorated in the past few weeks. While it is possible, but not very likely, that the man having a rest, said the doctor.

The indictment accuses the man from the district of Borken a hundred times accessory to murder in the German concentration camp near Danzig, from 1942 to 1944. In the concentration camp he was in 1943, for the SS-storm man – that’s the equivalent of been promoted a corporal in the Wehrmacht, he oversaw in this role, work details, and was on duty on the watch towers. He has never denied, to have in Stutthof worked, but the systematic killings never noticed.

According to the for the investigation of Nazi crimes, to the competent Central authority in Ludwigsburg, 000 people in Stutthof and its Subcamps, as well as the so-called death marches died until the end of the war 65.