In less than three months, wants to leave the United Kingdom, the European Union. Many Brits the creeps – you want to hedge with a passport of another EU country. Requests by Brits have increased in many States by leaps and bounds, as a survey of the German press Agency revealed. Among the applicants young families as well as retirees.

GERMANY: The acquisition of citizenship of British in Germany are at a record level: in 2017 approximately 7500 British were given the citizenship. In the year 2015, there were only 622. 2016 – the year of the Brexit vote – climbed to the number already on 2865. The British took in 2017 in this ranking the second place, more Naturalized only came from Turkey. According to data from the Federal Statistical office, approximately 116 000 Britons lived by the end of 2017 in Germany. Information about how many people in total, both German and British nationality, were not available.

striking: Almost one in ten naturalised Briton lived and 2017 in Germany – this is according to figures from the Federal Statistical office, by far the highest share of all EU-States. In the case of these British people with German passports are mostly people who had to flee from the Nazis to Britain, and to their descendants. You can claim under the basic law the German citizenship. According to the Federal office of administration 43 of such naturalisation were received in the year 2015 the requests from the United Kingdom to 2017 then 1667.

IRELAND: The interest for Irish passports has increased since the Brexit vote. The coveted document is also relatively easy, if you have Irish roots. It is enough if only the grandfather or grandmother were born in Ireland, but the victim himself and his parents. According to the government in Dublin last year there were approximately 183 000 applications for an Irish passport from the UK. About 85 000 of which came from the North of Ireland. Born there, have, in principle, entitled to both passports. Well 98 000 applications came from the rest of the UK – an increase of 22 percent compared to 2017.

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SPAIN: In the pensioner’s Paradise Spain, unlike in many other European countries – no real Run of British on a passport of a EU state. Although the number of Britons who applied for the Spanish citizenship in the first ten months of the year to 2018, compared to the full year 2015, more than tripled. The absolute number is 166, but very low. Because Spain requires all British new citizens the task of the British citizenship. Applicants should have a minimum of ten years in the country lived. “You are still needs to answer a voice test, including questions about the history, culture, politics, and geography of the country. And even sports issues,“ said the President of the Association Brexpats in Spain, Anne Hernández. In Spain, more than 300 000 British life, for a long time all are logged in.

PORTUGAL: In Spain, a smaller neighboring country, the number of applications popped up from 62 in 2015 to around 500 in the first eleven months of the year 2018. The British are allowed to keep their British passport, even if they are Portuguese. “To me, this idea had been buzzing around for years in my head, but the Brexit has everything is accelerated,” said the teacher, Mark Hooley from Manchester, who taught for seven years at the Oporto British School, the newspaper “Jornal de Notícias”. In Portugal, you may submit an application for naturalisation after six years, the language test is described as a lighter than of those in Spain. In Portugal, around 50 000 British.

BULGARIA: Around 40 000 Britons have left according to unofficial data in Bulgaria. A lot of sun and cheap – the poorest EU country, is particularly popular with pensioners. After the Brexit vote head of government Boiko Borissov offered the in the South-East European country living in the British, to apply for the Bulgarian citizenship. There is no statistics about it, but how many of you have made use of the available supply.

ITALY: According to a spokesperson for the Initiative, the British in Italy, which was founded after the Brexit vote, living about 65 000 British in Italy. “It is certain that there is a substantial increase in British people applying for Italian citizenship.” Official Figures are hard to get. The British actor Colin Firth took the Italian citizenship. He had done this as a “reasonable” step in the face of world-wide political uncertainty, said Firth. His wife is Italian.

SWEDEN: Also in the North, the Trend is clearly identifiable. A Swedish citizenship is only 511 British applied according to the migration work in the year 2015. A year later, there were nearly 1600 proposals already more than three times as many. Mid-2018, the UK appeared in the Swedish statistics, unlike in the previous years, among the ten most common countries of origin of persons who have received Swedish citizenship (place 10) – behind countries such as Syria, Somalia and Afghanistan. Until the end of may as 583 British had to obtain a Swedish passport.

ESTONIA: the situation is Quite different in Estonia. According to the interior Ministry in Tallinn has not sought between 2015 and 2017, a single Briton to citizenship. Why the strict rules are: the candidate must have spent at least eight years in the Baltic EU country, the last five of them permanently. A dual citizenship is only for native Estonians are permitted in restricted cases. For the British Estonian E-citizens – it is, however, not a real passport with all the Rights that a claim to a physical residence, E-citizens, for example. For that, you can establish a company in Estonia. Nearly 2500 British have already secured such a electronic citizenship.

In many other EU countries also show a significant increase in the number of naturalisations, however, at a low level. So 2015 and 2016 have been naturalized in AUSTRIA , ten British, 2017, according to Statistik Austria, 24 in the first three quarters of 2018 is already 31. A total of 700 British life, according to the Federal Agency, about 10 in the Alpine country. Similar increases, with double-digit absolute Figures, the report Polish, CZECH and GREECE .

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