After the adoption of the UN Migrationspakts in Marrakech, the United Nations want to create also for the treatment of refugees consistent basis. The UN General Assembly vote on Monday on refugee Pact with the refugees, among other things, better access to health care and education. The document is – how the migration Pact is not legally binding and contains no specific requirements as to how many refugees should include every country. The adoption of the Pact is considered to be safe.

The negotiations on the “Global Pact for refugees” since September of 2016. At that time, the 193 UN member States at their first summit on the topic of to regulate the handling of refugees and migrants better. In the words of UN high Commissioner for refugees, Filippo Grandi of the Covenant expresses the “desire of the international community to respond to situations in the context of refugees better.”

the Content of the paper is based on the 1951 Geneva refugee Convention and other elements of international law. The Geneva Convention contains rights of refugees and obligations of States, the new Pact reaffirms once again. He could, therefore, be seen less as a threat and is also politically controversial as the migration Pact, which could lead to an international level to new obligations.

Almost 70 million worldwide on the run

so Far, the world reacts in a community to refugee movements due to crises, especially with humanitarian aid. With the Pact, a stronger focus should be placed on development aid, for example through the strengthening of the infrastructure in countries that receive many refugees. Almost nine out of ten refugees in the world end poverty and low income, such as Uganda, Rwanda, Iran, Lebanon, and countries in Central America, living in countries with rampant.

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to order The hope is also that more people outside of the refugee camps to accommodate. Also the resettlement in third countries should be facilitated, for example, by families, or through the awarding of student scholarships and humanitarian visas. Refugees should have “success, not just survival,” urges the office of the refugee Commissioner Grandi.

the success of the Pact is to be drawn from 2019, every four years at Ministerial level in balance. In this “Global Refugee Forum” States should also make Commitments to financial and material assistance, as well as opportunities for resettlement. From 2023 should be checked in this context whether previous Commitments have been met.

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United Nations community of States migration Pact

by the end of 2017 approves of it were according to the UN, the world 68.5 million refugees, of which about 40 million Displaced people were in their own country. (dpa)