the hate makes no Pause. The new year has just begun, there’s a possibly mentally ill racist with his car in Bottrop and food drives aimed at migrants. Eight people suffered injuries, a Syrian girl survived only thanks to an emergency surgery. And only shortly before the turn of the year, four young asylum seekers have taken in the Bavarian town of Amberg indiscriminately at passers-by, twelve people are injured.

The country is appalled. Both offenses seem like Fanale, affect the sense of security of the population. And resentment increase, in the case of a against foreigners and at the other against the Germans. So the hate is even stronger. No good prospects for 2019.

the German interior Minister, Horst Seehofer strikes hard tones, especially against violent asylum seekers. To get rid of them, he wants laws to change. The reaction to the amok journey in the Ruhr area, sounds less determined, Seehofer is affected “very much”. To avoid a possible unbalance in its rhetoric, says the Minister, it is belong to the political credibility, both cases “with determination and hardness to keep track of”. This is probably what people want to hear a lot of people, whatever their origin, in this country now, to be able to the own Fears dampen. And it is but to little.

it starts with the analysis of both cases. In Amberg is to examine how it could come that young refugees drift into violence and hatred. Why were the perpetrators not Hold in this society, in this country? And in the case of the amok driver from food is to examine whether a mental illness has affected his ability to act rationally.

Should suffer the man to schizophrenia, which is not excluded according to the previous state of knowledge, it would be questionable whether the attack on the migrants was a terrorist act. The common assertion that extremists and terrorists were all disturbed, is much too sweeping, and, fortunately, no scale for differentiating the rule of law and criminal law.

Unstable people are particularly entitled to be susceptible to hate speech

Nevertheless, Worries. Even if the fact of the amok driver’s criminal law can be punished like that of a healthy person, it is impossible not to see the devastating extremist hatred. That is exactly what the agitators of hatred to accept. Who misused the social networks as a fire accelerant for dehumanizing slogans, longs to bring about an escalation. That unstable and mentally ill people to inhale the offered hatred and then, as foreign-controlled with a knife or a vehicle to hunt perceived enemies leave, the cynical calculus of racists, Salafists and other fanatics.

More about

violence by asylum seekers Seehofer calls after attacks in Amberg stricter laws

There should also be the question whether the racket from Amberg were also to racial hatred stirred up against Germans. Or whether the offender himself is in such a disposition have radicalized. Only those who subordinate to all of the questions in Amberg, as in food, you will find answers to deal with hate crime better. Where in the case of prevention, de-radicalisation and, of course, in the case of Repression, more needs to be done. And how to strengthen the social cohesion would be the hate, at least, curb.