foreign minister Pekka Haavisto (gr.) organize on Monday night, the clock 21 news conference, where he is expected to comment on the allegations, the foreign ministry official pressure. Yle seems the opportunity to live in this article.

the Question is, was there pressure Haavisto officials to bring syria’s al-Hol refugee camp in the Finnish children in Finland in his own name, although the matter is not a political decision.

ilta-sanomat (you move to another service) told reporters Monday that Haavisto would have tried to put pressure on the foreign ministry’s consular chief Pasi of to take responsibility for syria’s al-Hol refugee camp in the Finnish children in Finland on bringing.

the Operation Korpi -the name of the objective of the plan was ilta-sanomat, according to bring Finnish children in Finland without their mothers. IS:according to the Import wouldn’t do it, that would be a single civil servant having responsibility for the laws and international agreements, breaches of the operation, which was not a political decision.

This was the IS no data, one of the reasons that the exclusion of his duties a couple of weeks ago. Haavisto has denied the pressure IS for.

from the state department was told yle on Monday that officials have not received nor even asked for any criteria that the transfer, and that it came to consular services personnel by surprise.

the Parliamentary committee on foreign affairs is required Haavistolta clarification of the matter, and Haavisto is coming to committee on Tuesday. The christian democrat chairman of the Sari Essayah (kd.) has also tabled a written question to the government. The attorney general’s office, according to haavisto’s activities were on Monday afternoon to make four complaints.

its tasks transferred to the consular manager Pasi Tuominen did not want to comment to the media.

see also:

on IS: Pekka Haavisto, trying to break the Isis camp, the children secretly to Finland foreign affairs committee received from the minister of the right information to the contrary

officials of the surprising positive displacement stirred up by the foreign ministry’s staff: “we have a small atmosphere of fear at the moment”

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