In november promoted A, MDG and Red proposal to introduce foreldelsesfrist for the revocation of citizenship. The bond that is established between the state and the individual through citizenship, is so basic that it should never be revoked.

If you are not born English, can the Norwegian citizenship is revoked if you are “against better knowledge” has given false or incomplete information to the authorities. A lack of foreldelsesfrist results in that people who have lived in Norway for a long time, punished for something that was said many years back.

Without foreldelsesfrist will acquired citizenship could be revoked to the eternal in time. If you however receive Norwegian citizenship automatically at birth, one will never be in danger of losing it.

Have you eksamensnerver, anxiety or konsentasjons problems, the chance is small that you can be English Comment

the Population be divided into two classes, where those with citizenship acquired by application, are put in a weaker status of refugees than those who are born Norwegian. It is a paradox that the state imposes severe requirements to the language and samfunnskunnskapsopplæring above people who want to become Norwegian citizens, while at the same time no matter will never be as safe as those of us who are born with citizenship.

It is remarkable that it is not already foreldelsesfrist for the revocation. By way of comparison, applies the foreldelsesfrister on a number of other jurisdictions. Strictly in the area, it is only by the most serious crimes, such as murder, rape and sexual abuse of minors, that foreldelsesfrist not apply. Incorrect information when applying for residence in Norway may not be compatible with such crimes.

Germany, Finland and Belgium already has a such deadline for revocation.

Revocation of state citizenship is too easy Debate

Norwegian citizenship to hang high is a stated goal of the government, and there is therefore strict terms for the acquisition. Among other things, one must have lived in Norway for at least seven years and fulfill the high inntektskrav. At all stages before citizenship is granted, the government has the power to investigate the circumstances of the case, and a foreldelsesfrist encourages the authorities to take the right decision immediately.

the Young Right and Young Left is also to introduce a foreldelsesfrist. Hopefully follow moderpartiene ungdomspartienes example, when the proposal is processed in the Parliament.