waiting for The comedian Dani Mateo, lasted more than half an hour at the end of one of the hallways of the fourth floor of the madrid courts of Plaza de Castilla. There, this Monday, the collaborator of The Intermediate was waiting for its turn in the Court of Instruction no. 47 of the capital, where he expected the judge Adolfo Carretero Sanchez.

After inadmissible a complaint of a trade union of the police, the judge, quoted by blowing the flag in a sketch of the program of The Sixth to appreciate an alleged hate crime and the other of outrage to the symbols. But has not obtained the testimony that he intended to. Matthew was welcomed to his right not to testify.

With nearly three decades of experience, Adolfo Carter builds up to their backs a wide range of cases in the media. He was the first magistrate, who opened proceedings for the stole of babies in the eighties —and charged with the nun Sister Maria—. Withdrew the visitation to a father who participated with his 10 year old son in a running of the bulls of the San Fermin festival in 2007: “there Is a need for urgent and precautionary, measures to avoid that the father continue putting in danger the life of the child”. Closed the case opened against Ángel María Villar, president of the Spanish Football Federation (RFEF), for alleged irregularities in the agency’s accounts —although he stressed its “abysmal management”—. And was confronted with the sex offender The Mouth (“You will go to prison”), when he threatened: “We will see”.


The State Prosecutor limited the charges for hate crime as Well is ASP, the police union, which denounced Dani Mateo Editorial | ‘Defense of the clowns’

But, above all, your name jumped to the first line in the framework of the case of Spies. The then number two of the regional Executive, Ignacio Gonzalez, reported that he had been the subject of espionage political during a trip to Cartagena de Indias (Colombia). The String to BE spread a video where it looked to the former vice president for regional and two other people from the Canal de Isabel II walking on the road with a few plastic bags in hand and access to a building that later came out without them.

Carter, who took up the investigation of a scene that later would be linked to the Operation Lezo, opened the investigations against a number of detectives of the agency Method 3 as a responsible of that recording. And, also, after rejecting two times impute to Pilar Velasco, a journalist from the BE to spread the video, finally did so after ordering a Fourth Section of the Audience of Madrid. The reporter remembered last Sunday: “This judge had the open statement nine years in the service of Ignacio Gonzalez, without practicing a single diligence against you. Nine years of information and statements from witnesses and the accused over the Nakitbahis bites linked to Gonzalez, and the Channel that it never investigated,” said the journalist on Twitter, where he accused the judge of “harass” to the press. “Arrangements were made for the imputation in court for not revealing the source, by ‘repetition of information’, and ‘damage the image’ of the former president of Madrid”. Augustine Carter, the brother of the owner of the court of Instruction no. 47, occupied positions of trust in the Government of Esperanza Aguirre.

After a year imputed, the Madrid Provincial court dismissed the case against Velasco to consider that is informed about a character is relevant. But in the car file, the magistrate judge Juan José Ortega criticized the instructor Carter: “The journalist was forced to endure multiple requirements to reveal their sources. In my opinion, is a serious concern that the imputation of the journalist has served to foster a cross-examination that, by the way in which it has been conducted, has been exposed to be forced to reveal their sources of information, one of the most important guarantees that a free press in a democratic society”.

Son of the former vice president of the Judicial Power

the Grandson of a civil guard loyal to the Republic, linking Carter to the judiciary comes from family. His father, Adolfo Carretero Perez, was judge of the Supreme Court, vice-president of the first General Council of the Judiciary and president of the Court of Accounts. The PP is so linked with the PSOE.

Adolfo Carretero son, born in Valencia, has developed the most part of his career in the Community of Madrid. After passing by a court of Valdepeñas (Ciudad Real), then landed in Coslada, Fuenlabrada, where he was dean— and, finally, in the number 47 of Madrid. Linked to the moderate Association of Judges Francisco de Vitoria (AJFV), tends to write articles in your magazine on literature, history and philosophy.

“it Is absurd to say that the media have no bearing on the judges. However, I can assure you that the judges are judging in conscience cases, with independence of the noise in the mass media. What they have in mind, but they decide according to the law,” said Carter in an interview. “I’m willing to go as many times as necessary. But I don’t understand very well what I do there,” he said this Monday, Dani Mateo, in The middle, after going to his court to testify. “It was a gag of humor. There was a script and a performance. It was a fiction,” he said, before putting on a nose of a clown and conclude: “Everything we do here is a joke”.