in May in Kouvola organised the children’s theater event a Crisp may the next year be realized four days instead of over three days.

the Prestigious event has received a grant from the city of Kouvola, but the savings plan is to cut some of the subsidy out completely.

the City has paid for the event the organizing of the Working stage, an association of 13 000 euros for the support of the local producer hiring. The poor economic situation with the wrestle Kouvola makers however, do show that payment of the grant will cease completely next year.

– Local produce has been important to us. He has arranged, for example, schools with the cooperation and transport. We’re not from Helsinki by hand feeling for example routes, the Working stage of the federal action director of Annukka Ruuskanen said.

in Addition, the city has supported the event for 30 € 500 grant, which would stay about the same.

Grants will be decided in Kouvola budget council 9. December.

Quality is never compromised

the Working stage of the union and the city of Kouvola will discuss the event’s future on Wednesday.

– any itself is not yet resolved in one direction or another. We are now waiting for the December missions the final decisions. However, I am quite skeptical about it, that the cut of the show will be any changes, Ruuskanen comment in Kouvola after negotiations.

the Working stage of the union and the city intends to update the Orb, the subscriber-producer agreement in January. It defines more accurately what the theatre tapatuma will hold.

– If this goes as it’s presented, so the next year the event will be shortened during the day. It will be held in the case from Thursday to Saturday. In addition, for example in relation to expensive baby theatre show you have to give up, Ruuskanen said.

in General for babies to show to the audience is very limited.

the Next spring the software is already largely figured out. Cancellations not, however, have to do, because the amounts of the grants to make sure of is awaited before final mounting is made. Design has already taken into account the fact that, for example, international, imported from abroad theatre groups have been able to think about, because the only travel costs would be substantial.

– the Theme is in any case to bring Kouvola children’s theatre’s latest wave. In this situation we do not take software program sure dogs. Quality we don’t want to compromise, Ruuskanen said.

software Program has, over the years, including also workshops and free screenings. Nearby kindergarten and school groups has been arranged for weekday morning performances.

Is it possible that Crisp would end completely?

– the City was given the course, its directional message, that the savings may not be still here. The moment we do not have any way out, but this should now years at a time to see and scan, do we have options, Ruuskanen said.

it’s Clear-the event is arranged every spring in Kuusankoski, Kouvola more than 30 years.

children’s theatre event of the total budget is annually about 100 000 euros. The city of kouvola 30 500 euro grant along with the event has received grant from the ministry of education and culture. Schoolchildren and kindergarten children to transport the event has received support Kymi100 foundation. In addition, the budget to generate ticket revenue.

children’s theatre is always a loss. Revenues do not cover expenditures. This keeps the measure of the city’s intent as to whether they want to hold such events and do they respect this work, Ruuskanen said.

This year, a Crisp making your visitor record. The visitors were 5 700. In addition, the Finland Festivals chose the Orb In Festival 2019.

theatrical event of the päänäyttämö is the kuusankoski hall, but the performances are also carried out other year in varying locations.Pyry sarkio have / YleTilaa Yle newsletters!

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