In the tropics, most of the think of the dense jungle, rain forest. You investigate, however, since more than 20 years, and tropical dry forests. What’s the fascination with that?
The adaptation of species to this extreme location. Typical of a tropical dry forest of the exchange of marked rain – and dry seasons. The annual average temperatures are 24-30 degrees Celsius with peaks of up to 43 degrees. While it is in the rainy season very wet and the area in a lowland rain forest is a reminder, the forest in the dry season, a completely different picture. Most of the tree species shed as a protection against Evaporation during this time, their Leaves, many trees are in bloom and fruit. Dry forests on all continents, and they are considered the most threatened tropical Ecosystems – prior to the lowland rain forests, mangroves and coral reefs.

What plants make up these Ecosystems?
The forests are rich in tree, shrub and Liana species, and cacti and epiphyte. Also, many species of animals there are. Alone in Costa Rica, 76 species of reptiles and amphibians live in dry forests, 270 species of birds, 117 species of mammals and about 13000 species of insects. There are trees with thick fire-resistant bark, trees which operate also according to the leaf-shedding by using their green stem surfaces, photo-synthesis, and those with extensive water storage tissue. Some of these trees can store in their trunks, hundreds of liters of water.

Least of all, the tropics were due to the devastating fires in South America in the headlines. How dangerous fire is for dry forests?
the dry forest is very well suited to the slash-and-burn. In the dry season, a carpet of dry Leaves covered the forest floor. Then all it needs is a match, the forest burns. It was in this year less the case in Brazil than in Bolivia. It was reported in the media, mostly about Brazil. There burned about 1.25 million hectares, mostly in lowland rain forest. In Bolivia, the verb is estimated to have burned, up to 5.3 million hectares, and were predominantly dry forests. Tens of thousands of Bolivians accused the government of Evo Morales, with the promotion of the conversion of forest into cattle pastures and arable land, the Basis for many out-of-control to have troubled fires, and demonstrated in the run-up to the presidential elections in October against the government. Because the fires were placed for the most part of people – to make room for cattle pastures and the cultivation of soy, Chia and sunflower.

“Only ten percent of the original tropical dry forests in the world left.”Klaus Mummenhoff, botanist, University of Osnabrück

Who do you pressure?
especially the affected local population, but also layers formed in the whole of Bolivia protested against this destructive policy. While the Large landowners are interested in the very large areas, the rule only for their own needs-producing small farmers rather no share in the Export and is also not interested in large-scale Fires. But this is the greatest threat to this Ecosystem: The area of land needed for cattle breeding, but also the Feed crops for intensive animal fattening in the world.

Is the only slight Flammability?
hundreds of years ago in the dry forest areas to Fires to come. In the dry season, the forest is not only easier to roden, it is also easier for goods to be transported, the climate is favorable, and the soils are relatively fertile. So pre-Columbian cultures such as the Inca have already been grown on cleared dry forest areas, Corn, tomatoes, beans, and peanuts. Thus, the beginnings of civilization in South and Central America, probably in connection with the dry forests.

Is explored in this Ecosystem because largely?
Sure not. This is because significantly more research groups are working in the lowland rain forest than in dry forest. It is also only ten percent of the original surfaces are available. If man had not intervened, would tropical dominate dry forests in large Parts of the tropics. Almost the whole Central and southern part of India would be borne by the climate predominantly dry forests, but of which not much is left. A few fragments of the forest has been cleared in the last century. This is the General Problem: There is no large contiguous dry forest areas, as, for example, for the Amazon lowland rain forests is not the case. This fragmentation also complicates the protection of land borders.

As effective protection would be for?
on a Small scale I’ve seen in Costa Rica. The areas must be strictly protected. Bans on hunting and slash-and-burn, as well as an active fire management-that is, the controlled Burning of grasslands and the consequent suppression of forest fires, are important steps. Smaller stocks can then regenerate areas independently from the adjacent more Mature forest. Widely scattered forest Islands must be connected with biological corridors to connect habitats and allow for the exchange of genetic resources. In addition, we tried the local population to involve. You will areas as a Ranger in the protection and national parks used, controlled, and combated fire and burns down aggressive invasive grasses.

From illegally felled trees arises in part, also charcoal. Can a consumer recognize that?
It charcoal appears again and again, which was made of tropical wood. It is difficult to track whether the charcoal has been made from plantation wood or protected forest trees. In Namibia, there is an interesting project that produces charcoal from invasive woody species, which are important for the local Ecosystem to be harmful. But the always check? If you want to use charcoal, then you should make it at least on a serious seal of quality, charcoal made from local forests or alternative charcoal from Olive pits to use. Better than a gas grill.

The rain forests are considered the lungs of the world. The dry forest Ecosystems of regional importance?
from the point of view of rising temperatures, and increased droughts, it would be at all important, if we were in the world to protect such a well-adapted forests stronger. In Europe, the discussion is in full swing, as we prepare our forests for climate change by planting more drought-resistant tree species. Trees from tropical dry forests are not, of course, for our native forests, but maybe you can stabilize from the increasing drought-threatened forests in warmer climates. In any case, the tropical dry forest is a unique Biome, the should enjoy out of the protection status.

Created: 24.11.2019, 19:49 Uhr