During the new year’s eve, the fine dust value soars to celebrate, depending on the weather situation in each case substantially in the height. The fine particles can lead to coughing fits. How high is the load in the cities of Berne, Basel and Zurich, see you in the Live image (top). As a short-term limit value of 50 µg/m3 24-hour mean (maximum of 1 Exceedance per year) apply in Switzerland.

In his Blog, “weather makers,” writes Jörg tile man “of fine dust? Why you can ignite the new year’s eve fireworks safely”. We had this time a low wind weather with a light inversion of lust at midnight, but no later than the 2. January was all diluted and blown away by what it has to do with the new year’s eve fireworks.

of fine dust back

After a significant decrease in the fine dust burden in Switzerland up to the year 2000 has slowed down the decrease greatly, but shows a slight downward trend. Since 2014, the long-exceeded time limit value (20 µg/m3 as an annual average) on the territory of the city only occasionally.

the unfavourable weather conditions (especially the prolonged Winter inversion layers), the increasingly Long-term exposure and the short time exceeded the limit value (daily average value) at all measurement locations frequently.

particulate matter (PM10), airborne dust is a mixture of the smallest particles with less than a hundredth of a Millimeter in diameter (10 µm). In the city of motorised road traffic is a major contributor to high particulate pollution.

particulate matter is a mixture of diesel soot, Russteilchen from Oil and wood to fire, Abrasion, particles from Tires and Road surface, but it also consists of dust resuspension and particulate matter from illegal Waste incineration, as well as natural mineral interests.

An important role in the formation of particles from gaseous precursors plays pollutants, including nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide and ammonia. In addition, processes, substances sticking to the particles of combustion, such as polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHS) and dioxins, which can sometimes be carcinogenic and mutagenic.


particulate matter PM10 is largely inhaled, because the filter effect of the nose and throat for fine particles less than 10 micrometres in diameter (PM10) is sufficient. The smaller the particles are, the deeper they can penetrate into the lungs. So ultrafine particles in the pulmonary alveoli (alveoli) and be removed from there only very slowly. According to recent findings you can are from the alveoli into the bloodstream and distributed in the body break.

the Deposited particles can cause respiratory diseases such as Bronchitis or asthma attacks favor. PM10 and soot Particles, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHS) and heavy metals can have toxic effects and cause cancer. Fine dust also leads to stresses on the cardiovascular system and increases the risk of heart attack.

source (Text): website of the city of Zurich Live data (Zurich): Ostluft.ch Live-data (Basel and Bern): air quality.ch

(Created: 31.12.2018, 18:24 PM)