the ROME – animals, a constant surprise. Thanks to the two studies are distinct, now we find out that the dogs know how to do it from the account and to do that they use an area of the brain simila to that of man; chimpanzees, for their part, are not only capable of learning to use the tools, but they share this knowledge with other elements of their species in a kind of form of education, a real process of training. Let’s see why. The accounts of the dog The man’s best friend knows how to make account, or better processes spontaneously amount numeric base, using a part of the brain that corresponds to regions of neuronal sensitive to the number in humans. It was shown in a study at Emory University, published on Biology Letters. The researchers suggest that a neural mechanism common allows to estimate the number of objects, and is both deeply conserved through mammalian evolution. “Our work not only shows that dogs use a similar part of their brain to process the number of objects as do humans, but it shows that they do not need to be trained to do it,” says Gregory Berns , professor of psychology and senior author of the study. “Understanding the neural mechanisms, both in man and across species gives us an idea of how our brain has evolved over time and how it works now,” says the co-author Stella Lourenco , associated with of psychology at Emory.

these Are discoveries that could one day lead to practical applications, such as the treatment of brain abnormalities, and the improvement of systems of artificial intelligence. In the study, functional magnetic resonance imaging was used to scan the brain of the dogs as they saw a variable number of points lampeggiati on a screen. The results showed that the bark parietotemporale of these animals reacted to the differences in the number of points. The researchers maintained a constant, the total area ‘dotted’, proving that it was the number of the elements, not the size, to generate the response in animals. The ability to quickly estimate a quantity of objects, such as the number of predators approaching or the amount of available food, it can prove to be very useful. The data suggest that humans draw mainly to their parietal cortex to this capacity, present even in infancy. Eleven dogs of different breeds were involved in the experiments: eight showed a greater activation in the cortex parietotemporale opposite to the dots.

“We went directly to the source, observing the brains of dogs, to understand what their neurons were doing when they saw the various amount of points,” explain the researchers. Humans and dogs are separated by 80 million years of evolution, notes Berns. “Our results provide some evidences that the number is a neural mechanism shared, which dates back at least to that point,” concludes the researcher. The lesson of the chimpanzee, and yes, the chimps not only learn to use the tools, but also share this knowledge with others in a sort of form of education, and that is what reveals a study published by the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Scientists from the american university of Washington, St. Louis (Missouri), Miami, and Franklin & Marshall College, in Pennsylvania, conducted a study very singular that shows how chimpanzees use tools and processes that are complex and collect the termites and, more importantly – share this knowledge with the other specimens of the same species. “It is widely considered that non-human primates to learn the skills with the tools by observing others and practicing by yourself, with little direct help on the part of mothers or other exemplary, experienced in the use of tools,” recalls one of the authors of the study, the anthropologist at the university of Miami, Stephanie Musgrave . Evidently not so.

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