needles to homeopathic remedies, herbal teas and acupuncture more effective than antibiotics? Some complementary practitioners see it that way. This understanding also resonates with, if their umbrella organization (Dakomed) invites today in Zurich to the public event, “Reduced use of Antibiotics, thanks to complementary medicine,” to inform “about the as yet little-known methods”, thanks to which the potent drugs can be dispensed.

in fact, medical practitioners to prescribe with additional training in homeopathy, anthroposophy, phytotherapy, acupuncture or Traditional Chinese medicine much less often antibiotics as a school physician. An evaluation of the Dakomed of insurance billing, data rates comes at half the Prescription. Normal house and children doctors prescribe accordingly, an average of 13 percent of their patients antibiotics, the colleagues with complementary medicine additional 4 to 7 percent.

the Extent to which the patients of the various doctors groups are comparable, however, is questionable. “We do not know whether you have other diseases and how often you go to the doctor,” says Philip Tarr, infectious disease, Loge and Co-chief doctor of the Medical University clinic at the cantonal hospital of Basel-land. The school physician, patients would expect also antibiotics again and again. “Every Time, when a Person is treated with antibiotics, is reinforced, unfortunately, your positive opinion about it, even though the drug has not even contributed to their recovery,” says Tarr.

Such factors examined in 2018, a study in the journal “BMJ Open” in 7000 English Physicians, with and without the additive in complementary medicine. Therein complementary doctors were 22 percent less likely antibiotics. “I suspect that the results in Switzerland would be similar,” says Tarr.

The body is

However, doctors treat Complementary actually so effective that antibiotics are unnecessary? Or they prescribe too little of it, and so have your patients suffer more severe complications? Both is not true. Rather, the official therapy have changed recommendations for uncomplicated infections in the recent period so that today the treatment strategy of alternative practitioners is the same. Therefore to be on antibiotics dispensed, because the body in General, pathogens with the disease cope.

diseases such as cystitis, Bronchitis, sinuses, and middle ear inflammation, which are found in the house – and children’s doctor’s offices often, were almost always treated with antibiotics. This, in order to shorten symptom duration and prevent complications. Often, however, studies that would prove the Benefits were missing. As these were made up in the last few years, showed that Such benefits are very limited or non-existent.

Recently, in Switzerland last July, the most common bacterial tonsillitis, streptococcal angina, to such a paradigm shift. This was advised from the ‘ 50s to treat with an antibiotic to dangerous complications. To do this, especially purulent Abscesses in the neck and dangerous rheumatism include inflammation table fever with joint, heart and brain damage. Both of these complications are however very rare. Today, it is not clear that antibiotics when streptococcal angina protect against these diseases.

Philip Tarr stressed that the new guidelines mean that no anti-biotic medication to be prescribed.

As a third reason, in the case of streptococcal angina antibiotics to take, was a claimed reduction of symptom duration. But in the meantime, big show international overview studies that this effect is modest and risks, such as resistance training, severe allergic reactions or an impaired intestinal flora is not outweigh. Today, in inconspicuous progressions to dispense antibiotics. “Starting in the spring, the recommendation is probably that children with Angina may because of the risk of Infection after 24 hours with antibiotics, back to school,” says Tarr.

The most important reason, dispense antibiotics, the growing resistance problem. In Switzerland, estimates die according to currently, each year, 300 patients to infections with antibiotic-resistant germs. Doctor’s offices have an important part in it. “For sore throat reason to give suppliers in 44 percent of cases, antibiotics, needed, it would be no more than 10 percent,” says Tarr. “This is also in an international comparison, not a good value.”

Tarr emphasized, however, that the new guidelines mean that no anti-biotic medication to be prescribed. “In severe cases or when complications threaten, it is absolutely correct to use antibiotics,” says the infections Loge. The big Problem, however, is-like the reflex, poorly reasoned use of these drugs.

are Not the causes but the symptoms of

“fight It, due to the unprecedented success of the antibiotics in dealing with infectious diseases, the focus for a long time-too one-sided to the pathogen has been placed,” says Gisela Etter, President of the Swiss Union of complementary medical doctors ‘ organisations. For the Homeopath it is clear, however, that complementary doctors antibiotics would use sparingly, but still appropriate.

thanks to these upheavals in the treatment of infections is the complement of physicians to meet the new treatment recommendations, even though they do the Same as before. In it, you are no better than the average of their medical colleagues, because of this pull often. “According to the new recommendations, we astray got feedback from Doctors who found that patients only, if now, suddenly, no antibiotics should be prescribed,” says Tarr. “However, I find it rather confusing that the drugs were prescribed during 50 years without documented Benefit.”

The infection Lodge is open to the functioning of the Complementary medicine. In the framework of the National research programme 74, he works on his project to Impfskepsis with homeopaths. For Tarr, it is clear: “We can learn from them.” For too long, the fronts were hardened. “We should try to use their experience in a constructive way.” The same is true for the use of antibiotics. “In the past, Symptom control was frowned upon, the Evil should be Packed with antibiotics at the root,” says Tarr. A good Symptom was a relief, until the infection was gone through, is quite reasonable. “The complementary physicians do very well.”

Created: 13.11.2019, 09:34 PM