He created the most famous images in the world, but of him there is none. Leonardo never painted a self-portrait. The famous image of the old man with a long white beard, to represent him, shows an Unknown. Has left it much, but his sketches are often puzzling, the lack of names of the persons, in the case of technical drawings, we know sometimes, what the invention was. Leonardo’s life’s work is legendary – and in some Parts as a legend. Emeritus Zurich history Professor Bernd Roeck has compiled in his the great Leonardo biography of the verifiable facts. He describes vividly the life of the man who “wanted to know everything,” as the subtitle of the book is.

Bernd Roeck traces the life of Leonardo, and describes the world of the Renaissance, he helped to shape with his many talents is crucial. Because it Vinci is not a self-portrait of Leonardo da has Grit students from the Forensic Institute of the Canton and city of Zurich police Department created a phantom image.


managed, you Proceeded as if you had created the phantom image of the offender. As a basis for a portrait of Leonardo, a fellow-Artist served, however, from memory, of him had created. It shows the artist at the age of about 38 years. For more information from contemporary texts and sources, students helped in the work. So beards were not, at that time, for example, at the Fürstenhof is in the Trend. As Grit students told at the presentation of the book, put it in the reconstruction of digital image processing, she added, but with a lot of Intuition and hand work. The result is a recording in the profile, a frontal view of the data was missing.

Material to Leonardo, it is enough to do, says Bernd Roeck. However, his descendants have managed the heritage so badly, that in of the sources of today is a complete mess. The papers are scattered and are lying in various archives and museums. The master himself had not sought classification. Paper was precious, and he used it multiple times, draft drawings or sketches to technical inventions at the edges of finished or semi-finished works. Signed Leonardo nothing. Not out of modesty, as Bernd Roeck says, but, on the contrary, because he assumed that he and his achievements are well enough known. He wrote in mirror writing, is not secrecy, but a phenomenon known to psychologists of many children.

some Of the sketches you do not know what they were thinking. Many were studies for his major works, Leonardo placed great emphasis on the exact Details. With bold designs for flying machines, the employees of Leonardo again and again, on the other hand is not sure whether he said you ever. Today we know, thanks to practical Tests, for example, that Leonardo’s parachute could have worked – had it not been for the necessary lightweight materials already. The practice was by no means ripe for his countless inventions. Around the year 1464 Leonardo entered Andrea del Verrocchio his training. Verrocchio, a goldsmith, sculptor and painter, was in Florence, one of the best artists of his time. The apprentice owed to the Apprenticeship of the relations of his biological father.

No artist of the Renaissance is of so many secrets, shrouded in as Leonardo.Bernd Roeck, Zurich-based historian and Renaissance expert

outside of wedlock, children born as Leonardo at the time, were not a moral Problem, and also belonged to the big family of their father. Ser Piero, Leonardo’s father, was a notary public and is part of the Florentine Elite. He worked for the ruling Medici family and had contacts with churches and artists. Notaries and lawyers had to speak to the complicated drafting of contracts, Latin.

Leonardo attended high school, received no education in the natural Sciences, or architecture, what he did later, through self-study and much experimentation betting. Leonardo began his career as an apprentice and a craftsman. The Zurich Renaissance connoisseur Bernd Roeck describes the craft of painting as a down-to-earth, hard work. Leonardo would have purchased for his master on the market Tintenfischschulp, this powder is manufactured and with a rabbit’s foot on a wood layer as a primer have been applied. He was first of all, professional painting Materials.

Unreliable Partner

In Florence, there were around 1470 dozens of studios of painters, goldsmiths, sculptors, and marquetry artists. The Florentine painter, painted everything, what wanted to be painted in the customers. Even for the Makeup the ladies were in charge. Technical tasks they took on. Leonardo’s teacher, Verrocchio designed and assembled, for example, the Golden ball hovering over the dome of the Cathedral. Leonardo was to be an engineer. He soon received large orders, turned out to be, however, as a fairly unreliable business partner. He took orders, and delivered the ordered pictures but it’s too late or even never. He was a perfectionist who left works unfinished, but, if he lost interest. For the same reason, he worked on frescoes, you no longer need to be on the wall thrown in, corrections are possible. This contradicted the efforts of Leonardo, to work so long on a piece, until there was nothing more to improve.

in 1478, and was shocked the city of Florence from an attack. The Clan of the Pazzi tried to overthrow the Medici. However, the revolt failed, the conspirators were hung on the window post of the Palazzo Vecchio in public or quartered. Renaissance connoisseur Bernd Roeck: “all This took place in the same world, from the Leonardo’s smiling Madonna, his Mona Lisa, and Botticelli’s dream of lost beauty came from.”

The Medici had defeated their enemies, but they came gradually into some financial trouble. Among other things, her great was debtor to Burgundy after Charles the Bold was defeated at Nancy. the Leonardo da Vinci left the crisis-ridden Florence and moved to Milan. To turned to the technical issues.

A solar Eclipse sparked his interest

Milan was the most appropriate place, here were engineers, mathematicians, architects and, not least, military engineer. Leonardo was now so prominent that he was able to switch from the Medici court to the court of the Sforza. He studied ancient and medieval battle equipment, and recommended its military capabilities for bridges, siege engines, armored cars, mortars or catapults. He suggested, but also measures to clean the channels, has distinguished itself as an event specialist, built decorations for courtly festivals and effect full artificial animals live with a mechanical interior that reminded already on the robot.

A solar Eclipse of 1485 sparked his interest in astronomy. At the same time, he began to study anatomy and created almost photo-realistic scientific drawings of various parts of the body, which remained for centuries second to none. His project for a massive dome for the Cathedral of Milan, proved as impracticable. His idea for a Bosphorus bridge was unrealistic. Even the great Leonardo always had to corners, once again, a failure once. An academic scholar, he was never, however, with his Effort to want to know everything, he embodies for us in a perfect way the people of the Renaissance.

Bernd Roeck: Leonardo. The man who wanted to know everything. C. H. Beck, Munich 2019.429 S, approx. 43.90 Fr. (editor-in-Tamedia)

Created: 26.02.2019, 22:21 PM