for the First time, managed to immunologists, the long-term damage to the body’s own prove the immune system by measles disease – and to declare also. As a British and an American team of researchers is now reporting in Science, and Science, Immunology, destroyed the measles virus, both protective biomolecules, as well as the key immune cells of the body’s own defence against disease. A consequence of this destruction of the already long in measles patients observed “immune amnesia”, which is associated with an increased susceptibility to infections and increased mortality.

The measles virus, and interferes heavily in a System that normally are continuously learning. In the first years of life, unknown pathogens have even though it is still easy to overcome the System. However, not only the brain but also immune cells have a Gedächntnis. The enemy is known, the molecules of the body’s defense on a Repertoire of disease-specific Defenses, called antibodies, to draw. This memory usually offers life-long protection, it prevents, for example, that children become ill after a very dangerous infection with the mumps pathogen a second Time.

the damage to The immune system

survived for many years unless the child gets the measles. Infectious disease specialists already know that the measles pathogen can damage the memory of the immune system for other diseases solid. The body forms in the course of the infection, although a reminder of the measles pathogen. At the same time, the Virus deletes other, already existing disease memories in the body and leads to the measles infection to an increased susceptibility to other pathogens. A good half of all infection-related deaths in unvaccinated children associated with these consequences of the measles disease.

the cause of the “amnesia”, so researchers suspect it is the infestation of white blood cells by the measles virus. What is happening exactly and how long the body will be weakened, has, however, been unclear. Studies suggest that the impairment of the immune system in children may persist after measles disease up to five years. The concerned girls and boys show an increased susceptibility to the ears, lungs, and brain inflammation and can also get as a children’s disease verniedli killed infections such as Mumps for a second Time.

The group of researchers around Velislava Petrova from the Wellcome Sanger Institute in the UK Hinxton and Michael Mina from the Harvard Medical School in Boston, USA, have resorted to the now published Work on blood samples from a total of almost 80 unvaccinated children from the Netherlands and with samples from vaccinated or non-diseased children compared. The unvaccinated subjects come from a community of Orthodox Protestants who reject immunizations consistently. Within this group, it is therefore outbreaks usually measles.

For the research, such communities are in luck, because the consequences of measles disease here is a good track. Mina and colleagues used a newly developed test system for protective antibodies to be able to the existing immune status before and after a measles infection describe. Petrova and her Team focused their work on the fate of the memory cells in the immune system. Therefore, infection will disappear in the Wake of a Measles, an average of 20 percent, in individual, more than 70 percent of the previously formed antibodies cases. In addition, the measles virus destroyed the memory cells of the immune system not only disappear temporarily from the body.

experts advise, once again, strongly for the vaccination

Although the stock of these cells, recover after the disease in General. “Their composition is changed after the infection, however,” says Johannes Trück from the University children’s hospital Zurich. “Parts of the former due to vaccinations or diseases strengthened immune memory need to be rebuilt, which can take months or years”. In old age, the immune system could compensate for a measles disease even worse. The children’s infections Loge points out to the fact that a measles vaccination entails no impairment of the immune system. “On the contrary, Mina and colleagues show in their work that, in contrast to children with measles infection the immune system of small children is strengthened through a measles vaccination.”

professionals are therefore fully agreed, that a measles vaccination is the only alternative. “The Work is to underline clearly the need to vaccinate consistently against measles,” says attainment of the virologist Klaus Überla, University hospital. This applies not only for children but also for adults. The Robert-Koch Institute, had criticized, in may, once again, the insufficient vaccination coverage of children at the time of Enrollment, at the same time, however, the often even larger gaps under the 1970-born German citizens pointed out.

Created: 01.11.2019, 10:25 PM