Nice it would be to defeat the cancer finally – and if this is already possible, at least used to be. In this way, he could be quickly and successfully treated, the hope of Physicians to such patients.

such A glimmer of hope began to spread yesterday to a training Congress of the German woman doctors in Düsseldorf – among other things, it sticks in the Congress for the diagnosis and therapy of tumors of the breast and the eggs. The Doctors had not yet checked out all of the and your documents picked up, because the news is contrary to sounded to you: A “medical Sensation” had succeeded Doctors at the University hospital of Heidelberg. Finally “a real breakthrough” in the early diagnosis of cancer. Just a little prick; whether it is possible to make the malignant Tumor at an early stage.

the detection of messenger substances

The examination of the blood was similarly reliable as a mammogram, the x-ray examination of the breast, says Christof son of the Heidelberg unifrauen clinic, was involved in addition to Sarah Schott on the development of the process: “We have messengers, the active cancer cells in a cancer to the blood to send out,” said the doctor. A total of 15 so-called tumor marker would be using the Tests in the blood to find.

The measurement of Tumor and biomarkers is becoming increasingly popular, but there are many disappointments in this area. The proteins and genetic material scraps, which are measured for such Tests in the blood, are much too nonspecific to reliably detect a cancer or to exclude them. Last year, researchers in the journal “Science, presented” also as a “Liquid Biopsy” (liquid tissue sample) method called already. At the time, she described a Test with the eight types of cancer in the blood is detected to be – including breast cancer with a probability of 33 per cent, below the rate of probability.

The Doctors from Heidelberg to give for your Test, 75 per cent; a moderate rate for a study of this importance. The Jacob’s trail, chief doctor of the clinic of Hematology at the University hospital Basel. “The vast majority of women with breast cancer are over 50,” he writes on request of this newspaper. And in these women, the detection rate (sensitivity) of the marketed Tests for an amount not to 75, but only 60 percent. “This is a little better than 50:50, but not much.” It is, therefore, the question: “Is it time to commercialize now such a Test?”, so pass trail.

as a result of inaccurate Tests, the proportion in question increases, a worthy diagnosis.

Similar to Daniel Fink, head of the breast center and Director of the clinic for gynecology at the University hospital Zurich (USZ) judge. The value of the new method is limited because older women may not benefit because of the low sensitivity thereof. For comparison: A mammography cut off as with a sensitivity of 85 to 90 percent much better.

Significantly harder health researcher and prevention expert, Ingrid Mühlhauser, University of Hamburg, with the new procedure goes into the court: “The disturbing part of the story is that there is not a reputable publication,” she says. “It is not at all possible to check something.” So far, no studies are known to or are registered, which prove the Usefulness of the Tests, and possible benefits for women, which is also test developer Christof son admits in his Congress paper. Nevertheless, a Spin-off company of the University called “HeiScreen” is there already, you should market the blood test.

“Very interesting,”

He beat wool “before the Alarm”, is a son quotes. Exactly, this is already a Problem of early detection. As a result of inaccurate Tests, the proportion in question increases, more worthy of diagnosis: women get the label of cancer, even if it is unclear whether the detected changes in the mean. “The announcement on the Boulevard does not replace the evaluation from expert colleagues, before Tests or therapies to be approved and reimbursed,” says Mühlhauser.

The method itself, the writing of the Heidelberg Doctors Liquid co-developed Biopsy, but it is quite interesting that this newspaper interviewed Swiss experts. Basler, Jacob pass trail sees it as a “pioneering technology”. Similar to Daniel Fink from the USZ judge, he sees the potential of the blood tests, but especially in ovarian cancer. For this cancer, there is no meaningful Screening and he will be discovered, therefore, often until very late and in advanced stages. “In this regard, the new Test could be very interesting.”

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 21.02.2019, 19:46 PM