At Cern for the first time the phenomenon of “CP violation”. The discovery is likely to take, according to the researchers involved “in the physics textbooks”. Because so far, only its existence was proved experimentally.
This Form of the asymmetry of matter and anti-matter could be observed on the decay of a particle called the D0 Meson, like the Cern researchers announced on Thursday at the conference Rencontres de Moriond in La Thuile (I).
“The result is a milestone in the history of particle physics,” said Eckhard Elsen, Director of research at Cern. “Since the discovery of the D Meson more than 40 years ago, suspected researchers, that in this System “CP violation” occurs. But it is only now, in the evaluation of the LHCb Experiment (LHC: particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider) data obtained, could be made of the effect, finally, visible”.
“CP violation” is the universe fundamentally, because of this phenomenon started in the processes that led to the Big Bang to the dominance of matter over antimatter.
Created: 21.03.2019, 10:44 PM