The forest fire danger is in the Canton of Grisons and in the Rhine valley and in some places significantly. The few rainfall. In Germany, the Situation is worse, however, Switzerland remains according to meteorologists, the drought has not spared.

On Easter Monday, about came in Scheid, in the Canton of Graubünden, a fire with a homemade fire pit out of control. The flame jumped to the dry Grass and spread to a hallway of fire.

drought of 2018 could hang repeat

In the German Thuringia fighting the fire for days against a fire in an inaccessible steep. In East Germany, the forest fire danger is particularly high in some areas, the highest warning level. Forest fires raging in Sweden and Norway. Hundreds of people had to leave their homes.

The soils in Germany are still drier than last year. More so, could the drought of 2018 to repeat, or even exceed, reported the German weather service. Many farmers are tense, therefore, is how Joachim Rukwied to the AFP news Agency said. According to the President of the German farmers Association, the weather of the next six to eight weeks for cereals and canola crucial.

rain on the weekend

“we have a long dry phase, and the hair dryer came out,” says Roger Perret from Meteonews. “But in Switzerland it is still not as bad as in Eastern Germany”

on the night of Friday, more and more dense clouds are also in this country. A cold front brings rain and 1000 meters of snow. On the weekend it is a widespread cool and wet. “The rainfall is sure to bring a light relaxation,” says Perret. The risk of forest fires will decrease, but for how long, no one could say.

At the weekend it will be wet. Weather report from Thursday. Video: Meteonews

Because the rainfall was scarce in the Winter, don’t be filled the water tank. The to active up to now. Whether the drought linked to climate change, Perret say. “Individual years, one can draw no conclusions. A direct connection can be suspect at best.”

the Pollen in the approach

hay fever plagued the rainy days should also enjoy. Because according to Peret, the grasses are in bloom now. And already now birch pollen make it difficult for Allergy sufferers, the life.

To the visible pollen clouds of it coming this year, says the meteorologist. Because these are caused by needle trees such as pines or spruce trees that bloom every year to varying degrees. In contrast to 2018 they bloom this year, according to Peret little. The clouds were, however, already, even for strong Allergy harmless: “the Pollen of the conifers are non-allergenic.”

the pollen storm over Switzerland as a rule, the rights of pollen swaths of labor that is currently in Switzerland. Blame the West wind and the blossoming trees. (April 2018)


Created: 25.04.2019, 12:01 PM