in 2018, the sea level is increased usually. The global average was, according to the world meteorological organization (WMO) to about 3.7 mm above the value of 2017. The average increase since 1993, amounts to 3.15 mm per year.

“give The data contained in this report are a cause of great concern,” writes UN Secretary-General António Guterres on Thursday in New York presented the report of the WMO. Accordingly, the past four years have been the warmest since records began. The global average temperature at the surface was in the year 2018, approximately a degree centigrade above the reference value for the preindustrial time. “To Hesitate is no time,” said Guterres.

The WMO report, to have the numerous experts from around the world, as well as a number of UN-contributed institutions, deals with extreme weather events, including the recent cyclone “Idai”. This had led to last weekend’s Flooding in Parts of Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi in southeastern Africa. “He could be one of the most deadly weather-related disasters in the southern hemisphere,” said the WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas.

The WMO report also deals inter alia with the following effects of the climate change :

DISPLACEMENT : Of the 17.7 million internal refugees, the International organization for Migration (IOM), the tracked, had to leave until September 2018, 2 million people due to disasters in conjunction with the weather and the climate of your home. Such as droughts, Floods and severe storms.

HEAT, air quality AND HEALTH: as a result of climate change heat to take waves: The number of affected people increased from 2000 to 2016 estimated 125 million. This is mainly due to the fact that heat waves lasting an average of 0.37 days longer than in the period between 1986 and 2008. Experts expect that such events in the frequency, strength and duration will continue to increase.

ocean heat : 2018, there were new record values for the so-called heat content of the oceans in the upper 700 meters, and in the upper 2000 meters of the waters. According to the report, more than 90 percent of the as a result of global warming, the additional energy going into the oceans. The heat content of the oceans is a measure of the Energy build-up.

GLACIERS : According to preliminary analysis by the world glacier monitoring service (WGMS) glacier mass in the water economy year 2017/18 31. Times in a row removed. The water management year, usually deviates from the calendar year, to the balance of the year of the rainfall record. This includes, for example, the melt water of the previous winter.

researchers discover huge cavity under the Antarctic glacier

For 4 percent of the sea level rise, the melting of the Thwaites glacier. In record speed, a huge cavity grows under the glacier in the Antarctic. He was ten kilometers long and four kilometers wide, and therefore as large as two-thirds of the area of Manhattan, write researchers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) of the US space Agency Nasa in the journal “Science Advances”.

The largest part of the ice had melted within the last three years, and the resulting cavity is 350 meters high. It was a disturbing discovery, said Nasa. Now must be explored, such as the melting process of the sea level influence.

the Ingress of sea water

The hollow space that has taken 14 billion tons of ice, is located under the Thwaites glacier. The Rock under the glacier is much deeper than the level of the sea. The largest part of the ice had melted within the last three years by the ingress of sea water, the researchers write.

“We have for years suspected that Thwaites is not firmly connected to the substrate,” says Co-author Eric Rignot. With the new satellite, it was possible for the first time, to measure the change of the glacier and the extent of the cavity. Since 2010, Nasa satellites observe the glacier with a high-resolution Radar.

The Thwaites glacier in West Antarctica. Image: Keystone/AP/Nasa,

“the Size of The cave under the glacier plays an important role in the melting process,” says first author Pietro Milillo. “If there is more heat and water under the glacier, melting it faster.” The entire Thwaites glacier is as big as Florida, and currently 4 percent of the sea level rise.

Would melt the entire glacier, could increase the world’s oceans to about 65 inches, according to the Nasa message. To “understand”how the ocean melts these glaciers, it is essential to calculate the exact influence of the increase of the Sea in the coming decades,”” said Rignot.

For humanity, it stands three to twelve in the face of nuclear weapons, climate change and new technologies, it is already shortly before midnight, as nuclear scientists on their “doomsday clock” show. Image: Alex Brandon/Keystone


Created: 28.03.2019, 17:30 PM