Shortly before the next world climate conference of experts under the magnifying glass, what the States promise so far in the framework of the Paris agreement. The result is sobering. Researchers warn, in an appeal before the “untold human suffering”.

The plans of most of the countries in the framework of the Paris climate agreement is not enough according to a new report, in order to curb the rapid and accelerating global warming.

Almost three-quarters of the 184 Commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions submitted by countries, are not ambitious enough. Measured in terms of the goal to reduce emissions by 2030 by at least 40 percent, only the 28 EU States and seven other countries on course, say it in the on Tuesday presented the evaluation of five authors, four of which are for the IPCC to have worked.

warning of a “climate emergency”

time equal to more than 11 000 scientists from 153 countries warn in a joint statement in front of a global “climate emergency”. If the human behavior, emissions of the Greenhouse gas and other climate change factors contributing to non-fundamental, and lasting change, not prevent “human suffering”, and means it.

“scientists have a moral duty, to warn mankind against any catastrophic threat,” said Co-author Thomas Newsome from the University of Sydney. “From the available data, it is clear that we face a climate emergency.”

In the Paris agreement have set almost all the countries of the world, the goal is to limit global warming to well below two degrees and, preferably, 1.5 degrees, to limit catastrophic consequences, such as heat waves and droughts, extreme rainfall and sea level rise. I could not go on as before, would be the increase at the end of this century, probably for a good three degrees.

It has long been clear that the national climate protection plans are not sufficient in sum, to mitigate climate change. Every five years you should therefore be sharpened so that the world community as a whole are becoming more ambitious. 2020 it is, then new plans on the table.

industrial States of the obligation to

It is used to specify which state must provide what share. In General, rich industry have contributed to the States and those that historically much of the climate change, more responsibility to take on. The next climate conference will take place in the first half of December in Madrid.

“The Promises are simply too little and too late,” commented Co-author, Robert Watson, to 2002 on the Board of the intergovernmental panel on climate change, the US organization, the Universal Ecological Fund released a report objectives of the climate protection. “Even if all voluntary climate Commitments will be fully implemented, you will achieve only half of what is necessary to limit the acceleration of climate change in the next decade.”

China, India, the USA and Russia in focus

a Particular focus of the authors of the four Nations which together account for more than half of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions: China, India, the USA and Russia. are The most populous country, China has a share of around 27 per cent and the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases are growing because of economic growth, it is said in the report. Course, Beijing has said in the past that you should not increase to the same extent as the gross domestic product. The same is true for India, which have emissions with a share of seven percent of the global greenhouse gas emissions.

The United States has adopted now officially out of the international efforts in the fight against climate change: The US government handed in her notice for the climate agreement of Paris, informed the Minister of foreign Affairs Mike Pompeo on Monday. US President, Donald Trump had led the exit in the way. The original Commitments of the United States with their share of a good 13 percent of the global greenhouse gas emissions, the authors of the report even as “in limbo” – but the current policy is not sufficient. Russia, whose share was just five percent, have submitted no plans.

EU on course – Switzerland model

The 28 States of the EU have a share of nine per cent – and according to the report, with their plans on course. By 2030, the CO2 could be 58 per cent below the 1990 level. In addition, the authors values, only Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, Moldova, Switzerland and Ukraine as countries, the current Commitments are insufficient at the present time.

“Although the global negotiations for the past 40 years, we have done more as before, and this crisis is not addressed,” said William Ripple, the end of the 11’000 scientists leading the along with his colleague Christopher Wolf from Oregon State University in the USA. “Climate change is here and it is accelerating faster than many scientists had expected.” (fal/sda)

Created: 05.11.2019, at 18:02