The girl was 13 years old and had Stress in school, which caused pain to her stomach. However, they sometimes took the stomach-intestinal complaints-Globules, which her grandmother gave. The abdominal pain did not go away, however. On The Contrary. The girl swallowed more and more of the drug. After two years she was in daily 20Kügelchen of the freely available homeopathic preparation.

Actually, not a problem. Finally, it is accused of the homeopathic preparations tend to contain because of the high dilution (homeopaths speak of potentiation) no active substances. Critics demonstrate the, respectively, with the label taking the contents of a whole vial with Globules. In the case of the girl from the Canton of St. Gallen, the complaints, however, were noticeably worse, possibly because of the Globules. The doctors Sergio Dani is in any case, the described the case last week in the journal “Swiss Medical Weekly”.

dove at the legs and back

In November 2017, the now 16-Year-old went to her family doctor because of a bad headache. The attacks were so fierce that they had to be crying or in pain. Treatment with painkillers, nothing helped, physiotherapy.

With time, more symptoms were added: an aggravating eczema, chronic fatigue, and disturbed bowel function, with a daily multiple diarrhea. Finally, the girl was referred to a psychiatrist. This diagnosed strong tension and Fears due to a new job, and the stuttering, what the girl suffered for a good five years. Was not helped the patient.

house doctor groped in the dark

As she came half a year later, when Sergio Dani in Sargans in the office, swallowed daily, 50 Globules against their complaints. Her condition had deteriorated: she suffered from insomnia, heavy sweating, fatigue, inability to concentrate, abdominal pain and bloating. Later, stomach and leg cramps, as well as dove at the legs and at the back.

house doctor Dani groped in the dark. At the second consultation he believed to be the thing to track down: a chronic arsenic poisoning due to the mass ingested, gastrointestinal complaints,-Globules. They are actually a complex medium consisting of several homeopathic single agents, including highly toxic arsenic trioxide.

deaths due to homeopathic remedies for teeth children

it comes to unwanted effects by means of homeopathic remedies, is not so unusual. In 2016, the us food and drug administration (FDA) even warned of Gels and tablets for teeth the end kids. Reason for the supplements used toxic great cherry extract (Belladonna), was, in spite of homeopathic preparation in the relevant concentrations. And because the parents want their children due to the lack of effect of higher doses than intended route, it came to symptoms of poisoning, cases of, apparently, death. In Switzerland, there was at Swissmedic in the last 25 years, 42 messages in connection with Belladonna extracts.

Also, the preparation that took the Eastern Swiss patient received detectable drug concentrations. According to the formulation of arsenic trioxide was in a D6 potency, which corresponds to a strong dilution of one in a Million. The arsenic quantity in a bottle with about a thousand Globules Sergio Dani was in accordance with the approximately twenty times less than the amount allowed, the limit of the world health organization (WHO) in three litres of drinking water.

Dani is still convinced that it is arsenic poisoning. “In the case of arsenic, there is no safe limit,” says the physician who is engaged in connection with environmental pollution in Brazil, been part of intense with arsenic poisoning.

Swiss medic does not believe in a poisoning

Dani recommended the girl with the Globulin to stop. And, in fact, Already after a week, the symptoms were weaker. At least temporarily. The next control examination after a month it went bad for the patient. As it turned out, had the girl doubt about the diagnosis, and began two weeks before the date back in order to swallow the pills sporadically. Finally, Sergio, Dani was able to convince you. “She hasn’t touched the supplements today, is complaint-free and a very balanced Teenager,” says the doctor. He emphasized that neither the patient nor their family outspoken alternative medicine-be followers. “It was a typical Situation that may happen in the case of many families,” he says. “Anyone can buy the funds, but they are only apparently harmless.”

Dani admits that the arsenic concentration is very low in case of poisoning: “My colleagues have reservations.” For example, Thomas Cerny, a former Oncology chief physician at the cantonal hospital of St. Gallen: “For me, it is very implausible that arsenic should have been raised in these low doses the symptoms.”

The Swissmedic believes to poisoning. You go out, rather, that the “complaints to any of the excipients, and not to the arsenic-to”, it says on request.

Sergio Dani, however, is not deterred: The combination of symptoms and the fact that Discontinuation of the Gobuli-led treatment to a full recovery, make a connection likely. In the case of the other active compounds in a complex medium, or the auxiliary xylitol and calcium carbonate such Symptom-combinations were substances not known.

Similasan announces possible legal action

Similasan, the manufacturer of the arsenic-containing drug, criticized in a statement the specialist article. It contained “inaccurate assumptions” and must be challenged “in various Places”. The company was in danger of the author of the study, Sergio, Dani, even so, that you can “take legal steps against frivolous and defamatory allegations and defamation of our company name” reservations. The patient is accused of “neither to the patient information leaflet still have to the instructions of the physician”.

the stomach-intestinal complaints-Globules, it is given according to the Similasan in the last ten years, by the way, only a single message, due to “lack of effectiveness” – so due to lack of efficacy.

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Created: 04.05.2019, 18:57 PM