The Figures speak for themselves: On 452 pages, 175 authors and editors insights from 91 countries studies and 27 international organisations. If the drafters of the countries would be counted in studies, increasing the number of participating accessaries to over 1300 people.

The topic: “The first global report on the state of the biological diversity on which our food systems are based”. The main finding: There is “increasing evidence that biodiversity is declining worldwide,” which “threatens the future of our food, our livelihoods, our health and the environment seriously”. The massive report was released on Friday by the food and agriculture organization of the United Nations (in English abbreviated: FAO).

“Important Ecosystems back strong,”

In the report, it is not generally the biological diversity, but specifically to that part of biodiversity that contributes to human agriculture and food production – abbreviated as “biodiversity for food and agriculture” (BFA). The authors show in Detail, what Services Ecosystems and human food production: the preservation of healthy soils, pollination of crops, control of pests, and habitat for wild animals, for the agriculture is of crucial importance.

country reports that the stocks of many rooms of such types as a result of the destruction and injury of life, over-slimming-exploitation, pollution, and other threats. “Important Ecosystems, providing numerous for food and agriculture, essential services, back strong,” according to the researchers. The causes for the decline in BFA are mainly the changes in Land and water use followed by the exploitation of the natural resources and environmental pollution.

The researchers report that, on average, decreasing plant diversity on farmers ‘fields, an increasing number of endangered Livestock holdings, and an increase of overexploited fish: Of the approximately 6’000 plant species which are cultivated for food, less than 200 significantly to global food production – and only nine account for 66 percent of the total production: sugar cane, Corn, rice, wheat, potatoes, soy beans, oil palm, sugar beet and cassava. The global pet production is based on about 40 species, of which only a handful of the vast majority of meat, milk and eggs. Of the 7’745 species, which are reported around the world, are threatened by 26 percent from extinction. Almost a third of fish stocks are overexploited, more than half has reached its sustainable limit.

“extinct Once, you can not be revived,”

This is what the report calls a positive example from Switzerland that the human activity of the biodiversity can also be conducive to: “The species-rich mountain in the Swiss Alps, the meadows is the result of a century maintains a long, extensive agricultural activity, the open and semi-open habitats below the tree line” said in the report. “Without human intervention, most of these living rooms to quickly return to their natural forest state return, which would lead to the loss of existing biodiversity.”

The authors argue that biodiversity as such is because they help fluctuations or sustained changes in the environment cushion. There is a risk of irreversible damage to the large died out: “for Once, can plants, animals and micro-organisms, which are crucial for our food, not revived,” according to the researchers.

The authors praise that many countries already fought for the preservation of biodiversity – but more should be done, calling on the organization. Governments and the international community would have to try a lot harder. In the Preface, the editors thank the Switzerland, Germany, Norway and Spain, “without whose support this report would not have been possible”.


Created: 22.02.2019, 18:11 PM