The 24-year-old Latvian citizen, who is sitting in custody for the manslaughter of a 41-year-old woman and two children aged seven and nine, had been drinking the night before it went wrong.

he told during grundlovsforhøret, shows an extract from the order of the court; which Ekstra Bladet has gained an insight into.

In all, he believes that he had drunk seven to eight can of beer and a little vodka in the course of Saturday evening, but Sunday morning he thought that he could well drive a car, he explained during grundlovsforhøret.

And when he was out running, it was because he was in the process of moving from one address to another, which lay about a mile from the crash site on Hodsagervej by Brogårdsvej close to Holstebro.

Latvian has lived in Denmark since 5. november and has previously lived in Denmark over a period of six to seven weeks, while he has earned the money to his family back home in Latvia, which in addition to himself consists of a wife and a child.

It was at 10.39 that it went wrong on Sunday. Here came the 24-year-old running at Hodsagervej. In court he told that he should continue straight on the Hodsagervej, when he reached a T-junction at the Brogårdsvej.

He had just overtaken another car and estimated that he drove 95 to 100 km/h., then suddenly there was another car in front of him.

The 24-year-old explained in court that he did not know whether the other car kept quiet, or whether it was moving a bit.

He remembers it, however, as though the car swung to the left, according to the man’s explanation in court.

In the woman’s small Citroën C1 also served two seven-year-old girls and a nine-year-old boy. Only one of the seven-year-old girls remain alive. Photo: Morten Stricker/Ritzau Scanpix

The 24-year-old told himself that he could not react before he hit the woman’s car. In it sat a woman and three children, seven, seven and nine years.

the Collision was so violent that the woman’s Citroen C1 was flung out of the way.

the Woman was killed on the spot. The same did a seven-year-old girl. Monday dead a nine-year-old boy of his injuries. The last seven-year-old passenger in the car – a girl – seems like the 24-year-old to escape from the accident with minor injuries.

It also came through in grundlovsforhøret, that it is the police view that the 24-year-old has been deprived of the right to drive a car in his homeland in 2017, due to drunk driving. It has a check-up at the international SIREN-police shown, indicated the prosecutor Iben Holm during grundlovsforhøret.

It is believed the 24-year-olds could not vote. He claimed under grundlovsforhøret, that he never ever had a driving licence.

It is the police view that the Latvian drove with a speed of between 110 and 130 km/h. It is also the police view after a preliminary test, the 24-year-old had a bac that was higher than 0.5.

The sifted light told in court, that it was supposed, that he had to return home to Latvia again in a week. Also his dad has been in Denmark for a period, he told. Photo: Morten Stricker

That was after the accident found the empty can of beer in the 24-year-olds, the Ford Mondeo, but under grundlovsforhøret told the man that he had not drunk anything in the course of the morning and the morning.

Judge Solveig Bloch Madsen decided to varetægtsfængsle the 24-year-old up to 7. January. Defender Kim buildings have been chosen to appeal against the measure and demand the release with the justification, to date, there is no indication that the accident is due to anything other than a moment of inattention.

He pointed out that the police preliminary tests for alcohol in his view, is not sufficient to varetægtsfængsle.