“700 is called to the control after tb-alarms”

“A person that the lung ailment has re tuberculosis has been present in a health centre and dental clinic in Luleå municipality, reports the SVT News Norrbotten”

” it– It’s very rare for someone to carry such infection. But now it is in all cases observed and there will be a large-scale smittspårningsarbete, ” says Anders Nystedt, physicians at the Region of Norrbotten, sweden, to SVT.”

“Now is therefore referred to as around 700 people to control. It relates to children, pregnant women and people with reduced immune system that is called. So many have not called to smittskyddskontroll in Norrbotten in the past.”

“– It is a unique event that will affect our work a long while to come, ” says Helen, Mikko, head of operations at the health center, to SVT.”

“Tuberculosis, also called tb, is a rare infectious disease that is spread through the air from person to person.”